Chapter 39

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“Are you out of your freaking mind?” Eros was standing right in front of me, breathing heavily. His hair was dripping wet and he was in nothing but a pair of black jeans – even his feet were bare.

I was breathing hard and I winced at his loud voice. My head hurt from where it had collided with the wall. My eyes were still burning, but my insane hunger for blood was gone. I wanted to reach for Eros, for him to help me make sense of everything that was happening, but he kneeled down to Simon, who was lying on the floor, whimpering. Next thing I knew, Eros was holding Simon in his arms and cradling him to his chest.

“Oh God,” I breathed, looking at the seriously injured body of my bondmate. What had I done?

Dylan came rushing in then, coming to a stuttering halt right next to Eros. He was dressed likewise, his hair leaking water onto his bare chest. I couldn’t make sense of it, not with my head hurting so badly and with the smell of blood still thick in the air.

“Wow,” Dylan said dryly. He hurried over to Amy and pulled her up. She had been sitting with her back against the wall, her hands on the bleeding puncture marks on her neck. She was crying softly and cringed when Dylan touched her.

“Is he okay?” she asked worriedly, looking at Simon. Her whole aura sparked up red when she glanced over at her boyfriend, but it looked nothing like the red I had seen on her before. This was pure and utter love, no delicious blood beckoning me. The characteristic whiteness of her glow was weak and wavering.

You,” Eros told me, his eyes narrowed. “This is why I wanted you to drink animal blood – you get it now?”

I nodded, ashamed of myself. Tears were running down my face, and not just because of my burning eyes. “Is he going to be okay?”

Eros’ gaze softened when he heard the concern in my voice. “He’ll be just fine, don’t you worry,” he promised. “Dylan already called Sam – she will pick you up. You’re to stay with her until I come back for you, understood?”

I frowned. “But I want to go with you.”

“I know…” He sighed and moved toward the door. “But you’re not in a condition to go anywhere where there’s gonna be even more blood and we need to take Simon and Amy to the nurse, okay?”

I agreed, knowing I had no other choice. Eros left, but his worry, love and anger still enveloped me, making me feel somewhat more balanced. Slowly but certainly, the full impact of what I’d done dawned on me. Not only had I fed on Amy and Simon, I had also hurt my best friend so badly he had to be carried to the nurse’s office. No, he was not going to be happy with me when he woke up. I slid down the wall and buried my head in my hands. I wasn’t very pleased with myself either.

I was startled when I heard footsteps coming my way, but then I remembered what Eros had said: Sam was coming.

“Get up,” her harsh voice sounded through the empty room.

When I raised my head to look at her, she looked shocked – not a look Sam wore very often.

“Oh crap, you really messed up, didn’t you?” she grunted. She hurried to my side, grabbed my arms and pulled me up harshly. “You need a shower and a fresh set of clothes,” she assessed with a dark look. “Come one, before anyone sees you.”

She covered me up with her leather jacket and touched my hair, making sure it obscured as much of my face as possible. She led me through the hallway, an arm around me so that I wouldn’t have to look up too much. I just let it all happen, not really caring where she was going to take me. All I knew was that I would have to get out soon, to process things on my own.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now