Chapter 2

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“I am not getting into a car with him,” I complained, crossing my arms and stomping my foot like a three-year old girl. Sure I was acting petty, but I wasn’t beneath pouting and yelling to get my way.

“Look…” Eros sighed. “I am not going to let Dylan drive with his injured arm, okay? And since there are two cars and you need to be chaperoned… There’s no other way. You and Dylan take your car and I’ll be right behind you with Dylan’s.”

I scowled, irritated because he was right. I hated it when other people were right and I wasn’t. Especially when admitting it would make me sit in a car with Dylan Lennon.

“Come on, beastie!” Dylan shouted, mocking me. “I can’t wait to be in close proximity to you for three hours straight! It’s my lifelong dream come true!”

I groaned and uncrossed my arms. It was no use, I would just have to accept my defeat. Eros smiled when he saw that I was giving up and he ruffled my hair with his right hand, the other on my hip.

“You look real cute when you’re all defensive,” he whispered so low Dylan couldn’t possible hear.

I ducked away and gave him a swift kiss on his cheek – I had to stand on tiptoe to do so, since he was so much taller than I was. He was surprised by that, but also exceptionally happy. I felt bad for making him wait for me this long. But if everything went as planned, I would be all over him in just a week.

“I’ll see you soon,” Eros promised. “I’ll drive right behind you, you lead the way.”

I got into the car and waved at Eros as he walked away. Barely a minute later, I pulled up to the main road and started driving in the direction of my good old home.

“So…” I started, looking at Dylan from the side. “How was your summer?”

He scoffed. “Eros is not here anymore, Demona. We don’t have to pretend to be buds anymore.”

“I didn’t know we were pretending to be friends,” I laughed. “Good to know.”

He raised his eyebrows at me. “I can be extremely nasty, little one. So if I were you, I would stay on my good side.”

“You’re not the only one who doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty,” I replied, irked that he was using Eros’ nickname for me. It sounded cliché and very weird when Dylan said it, and I hated that. He had no right to mess with my head like this.

“You drank my blood,” Dylan told me sternly. “You owe me big time.”

I sighed deeply and focused on the road. “Yeah, I do. So – shall we put on the radio or something? I don’t feel like talking to you for three hours. It’s tiring.”

“Agreed.” He leant over and fiddled with the radio. “Jeez – how old is this piece of shit car?”

“Don’t hate on The Puke Mobile,” I replied. “He’s my pride.”

“The Puke Mobile?” Dylan asked, surprised. “You got sick in here a lot after drinking bottle after bottle of vodka?”

I cringed when he reminded me of that one night a few months ago. Last school year, there had been a huge hearing to decide to faith of the school board. Basically, the board had tried to isolate the villages in Paddy Creek Wilderness to make the humans there into food for the werewolves and vampires of the Van Swieten Boarding School. We had found out, sort of, and tried to stop them. After the hearing, where all the school board members had been fired – expect for my personal hero Mr. Hammerhead – there had been celebration at Eros’ and Dylan’s dorm. I had had lots of things to deal with, so I had gotten completely wasted, which was very unlike me. Of course Dylan would not let me live that night down. Ever.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now