Chapter 13

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Hey guys,

Sorry for updating late... My editor couldn't do it and I only heard that a few hours before I had to update... The poor girl is crazy busy and tried to edit for me anyway. ;) Thankfully I have the luxury of having an emergency editor as well, and she stepped in. So that's why I am a little late; she needed some time to edit obviously, and it was already Friday, so I couldn't help but be a little late...

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter! I really liked writing it, since the whole bloodlust thing fascinates me. :)

Let me know what you think!

Love, Mokita


Once, in another lifetime, there had been a time when Fridays had been amazing. Thinking of how my Fridays had been back in my human life, I couldn’t help but smile. I’d had three free periods and Greg had always managed to convince me to skip some of my other classes every single week. We would just hang out, laugh, stuff our faces with ice cream, and play some Guitar Hero… Nothing special, but I had always loved those days. Barely any school, teachers who didn’t even check whether or not you were there and friends who didn’t have dead parents, fangs shooting out at any time, aura’s that changed color… It had been an easy life that I hadn’t appreciated nearly enough.

Of course my life at boarding school had its perks also. Eros’ never dwindling attention, his warm lips on mine and his arm around me… yeah, that definitely was something I hadn’t had back in my human life. A few months ago, I might have traded everything at Van Swieten in for my old life, to escape my problems. But when Eros’ hands knotted in my hair and his lips traveled to my neck, I knew I would never be able to do that anymore, nor did I want to.

That didn’t change the fact that this particular Friday was a far cry from the fun I’d gotten used to back in Warrensburg. Here in my school in the Paddy Creek Wilderness, it was barely noon yet I’d already written two essays, attended three boring classes and gotten into three fights with Dylan during lunch. Eros was trying to distract me and it was working well enough. He’d dragged my ass into an empty classroom and we’d been making out for a long time now. My free period was approaching fast though – or should I say my former free period. It was one of the only two free periods I had this week, yet Hammerhead had signed me up for a course about bloodlust for this exact hour. Great, just fucking great.

“Just don’t go,” Eros pleaded, his hands at my waist now, his lips grazing my skin.

I smiled and pressed a kiss on his nose. “We both know I have to.”

He pouted. “But I have a free period too… Can’t we just make out for an hour?”

“For an entire hour?” I asked surprised. That seemed like a long time to kiss, no matter how amazing a kisser he was.

He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked. “I could keep you occupied for days with nothing but my mouth,” he teased. “Just think of all the possibilities…” He pulled at the collar of my shirt so he could press a trail of kisses down to the edge of my bra.

I shivered and pushed him off. “Eros!”

“Don’t even try pretending you mind,” he warned with another infuriating smirk. “Magical bond, remember?” He tapped the side of my head with his index finger. “I know exactly what sets you off.”

I felt my face heat up and I tried to look away from his smug expression, but he wouldn’t let me. His hands moved to either side of my face and forced me to keep facing him.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now