Chapter 12

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Hi guys,

Thank you for all your support. :) It's great to see so many people are reading the sequel. I never could have dreamed I would get to write so much about Eros, Simon and crazy, stupid Demona, or that so many of you would fall in love with my characters. Or hate them, or want to kill them for that matter. I certainly wanted to smash in Dem's head a lot when I was writing SBS... In ATOR, Dem is slowly - VERY slowly - growing up, but trust me, there will always be crazy drama following her around.

Okay, I just wanted to inform you all AGAIN that I have a Facebook Page all about Supernatural Boarding School.

Check it out!

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If you don't have Facebook or don't feel like following, befriending or liking anything or anyone, you should still check out those links. I post sneak peeks into ATOR on there regulary. There are some scenes from future chapters already on there, so check them out if you want to read more about Dylan, Eros, Simon, Demona and all the other characters I created.

Again, thank you for the support, the sweet messages, the comments, the votes, and for following me on Wattpad. My life has been crazy lately, and my writing time has gotten less and less every week, but you guys keep me right on track. 

Also a big shout-out to my editor, who is awesome and loyal and true. Thank you girl, for sticking with me! For being so goddamn fast and true to your word. I'm going to continue to dedicate my chapters to you! Please excuse any mistakes in this author's not - it's obvious you didn't edit the note for me, just the chapter. :P So bare with me!

So, that's it for today, sorry for taking up so much of your time with this author's note. Just wanted to say thank you to all the great people from Wattpad. Also a big thanks to the people who followed or befriended me on Facebook, it's been great talking to all of you!

Love, Mokita

PS. Enjoy this chapter!


“We need to get some sleep, it’s almost two am,” I whispered, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Eros laughed and pressed another kiss on my lips, pressing his whole body up against me from the side. “I happen to believe coffee is a perfectly fine substitute for sleep.”

I rolled my eyes, but kissed him back anyway. “Stop distracting me,” I complained when his hand brushed over my bare leg. “I happen to think sleep is pretty important.”

“I agree,” Dylan’s deep voice sounded from across the room. “And I ain’t getting any as long as the two of you keep going at it.”

“Sorry,” I said quickly, feeling guilty. He was right: Eros and I had been kissing and talking all night. In fact, it surprised me it had taken Dylan this long to complain about it.

“I put up with your crap plenty of times when you have girls over,” Eros replied with a sigh while tracing patterns on my bare skin.

I shivered in delight but pushed him off anyway. “We’ll be quiet,” I promised. “Sleep tight, Dylan.”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now