Chapter 20

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Thank you all for the sweet messages to my last chapter. :)

jgeter gave me the idea for a contest... so there's gonna be a contest. :P The end date for the contest will be... June 22nd.

The contest is to make a banner or a drawing or anything really that has to do with SBS & ATOR. So pick your favorite quote from the story (doesn't matter if it's from ATOR or SBS) and make something beautiful out of it. :) You can enter the contest by posting a comment with a link to the picture, or PM me... or you can upload the image on FB:

Make sure to mention that you're participating in the contest!

The person that inspires me most with their picture/drawing/whatever will get...

- 3 chapters dedicated to them
- to decide what Dylan's father's first name is (his last name is Lennon)

- to pick a song that I have to work into the story somehow!

Good luck! I hope at least one person will enter. :P

For now... ENJOY THE STORY! 

A young waitress brought us our food just when Mr. Pontus wanted to start talking. We all politely thanked her, but inside I was whishing she had waited just a little longer. It felt like I had been waiting for this story my entirely life. It really couldn’t wait any longer, or I would explode.

“I met Jack Hollow when I walked into the bar he co-owed,” Mr. Pontus started his story.

“Wait – my dad co-owned a bar?” I asked, earning me an irritated look.

“Yes, he did. You didn’t really think a talented man like your father would stay a waiter all his life, now did you?”

I shrugged, feeling stupid. “How would I know? I’ve never even met him.”

“Oh right,” realized Mr. Pontus. “Sorry about that. So anyway, I went in for a drink. Two customers were getting into a pretty serious fist fight, but your father broke them up. I’d never seen anything quite like it. He pulled one guy away from the other with his amazing strength and just stared at both of them. They apologized profusely and left the bar. Of course I immediately realized that he was a vampire gifted with the power of mind control.”

“How did you know that?” Simon asked suspiciously. “It’s not a very common power.”

“Why, because I’m one of the few lucky ones gifted with the power of compulsion, of course.” Mr. Pontus sounded like we should have known that already. His vast black aura had assured that I could identify him as a vampire, that didn’t mean I could recognize his power as well.

“Can you control the minds of supernaturals as well?” Eros asked, his eyes alight. Of course that would be of particular interest to him.

“Thank God no,” Mr. Pontus exclaimed, making the wealthy businessman lunching all around us glance up in disturbance. “No,” he went on in a quieter tone of voice, “that’s a power only a select few vampires around the globe are burdened with.”

“Burdened?” I repeated, clutching Eros hand with such force that I swore he flinched ever so slightly.

“I’d choose being something as mundane as a fairy over a vampire with insanely strong mind control powers any day,” Mr. Pontus said, shaking his head. His eyes darted from left to right again, his earlier focus gone. He therefore missed Simon’s sour look at being called mundane. “It’s hard being so powerful. It comes with great responsibilities not everyone can shoulder.”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now