Chapter 33

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And yet another update!! Seriously, I'm in a good mood, people. :P

Anyway, I don't think I'll upload anymore until next Friday, so pleaaaaase don't pester me or anything, okay? Every Friday I update, and if I have time and energy for extra updates I'll make that call myself. ;)

Thanks to all of my readers for the support!

Oh and Jas_missmystic: your song is in here :) She picked a song when she won the banner contest & I worked it neatly into this chapter. :D

Please like my page!

I post banners on my page, keep you updated about the diting process of SBS, post pics of characters and locations... So please, follow me and keep posted on EVERYTHING. :D



A chill moved down my spine when I woke up. The alarm clock informed it was still the middle of the night. I let out my fangs so I could see in the dark and I could now easily spot Eve lying underneath her very seasonable red covers. Whatever had woke me up had left her in the realm of dreams – which could mean only one thing: it was the bond. I reached inward, closing my eyes for a moment, and I instantly realized what my foggy brain hadn’t registered at first. It was Eros.

After what Hammerhead had told me, I knew I shouldn’t run out into the hallway. I realized I had changed the past few months: last year I would have run to his dorm in my skimpy pajamas, not even thinking about it twice. But no good would come from either me or Eros getting expelled – or worse: both of us. I took my phone from my nightstand and hurried into the living room.

Eros picked up on the first ring. “It’s starting,” he whispered. “The crazy, it’s really starting.”

“Wake up Dylan,” I told him immediately. “Wake him up now.”

Eros was too scared to argue with me – I had never felt this kind of emotions coming from him. It was like he was ten years old or something, hiding underneath the covers after seeing a horror movie.

“Is he up?” I asked after a while.

“Oh, I’m awake alright,” was Dylan’s irritated response. “You’re on speaker phone.”

“Good to know,” I muttered under my breath. “Eros, are you still there?”

“Yes,” was the soft response.

“Can you let some of the crazy seep into me through the bond?” I asked, already pulling at him mentally. “Just so I can get a feel of it.”

Normally, he would have tried to protect me, to shield me from anything dark inside of him. It was a sign of how out of it he was that he agreed immediately. It felt like something solid was being forced through a way too small opening, and it was difficult to pull even a tiny bit of it to my side of the connection. It felt like despair and loss had somehow transformed into something so dark and twisted that it could easily take over someone’s mind. It also vaguely resembled the foggy feel of mind control. It was like the cloudy sensation of the compulsion had turned solid somehow…

“Oh my God,” I gasped when I realized what was happening. “Eros! It’s mind control!”

It was silent for a moment, but then Dylan reacted. “Are you on something?” he asked incredulously. “You know that it’s impossible to control your own mind, right?”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now