Chapter 28

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Thanks to AnotherSetofBones for editing.

Dedicated to Jas_missmystic for winning the banner contest. :)

Author's note [please read!!]

The last contest was so much fun that I decided to make a new one. :D It ends on my B-day, July 25th, so make sure to send in a banner through PM or Facebook or whatever on time!

 Make a banner using one of these quotes from the first book (Supernatural Boarding School):

1.       [During the fight, when Dem things Eros died when he got shot]

 I felt a sob rising in my throat, but I fought it back and shook Eros hard, trying to wake him up, get him to talk to me again, smile at me, anything.
“You can’t die,” I whispered, fighting to keep the gun up so the cops would stay away. “I love you.”
Suddenly, Eros’ eyes fluttered open and he looked up in surprise. “I love you too,” he croaked, showing me a weary smile.

 2.       [One of Eros’ sexually inclined jokes]

“Well, if you like bananas, we could make an appointment to meet later, because I have a wonderful one to show you…”

 3.       [When Eros and Demona kissed during Christmas Karaoke]

All I knew was that Eros was kissing me and I liked it. It didn’t matter what he had done to me, to Sheila, to anyone. All that mattered were our lips moving in perfect synchronization, his hands in my hair.

The only rule for the contest is to use one of these quotes. Other than that, you are free to do whatever you want!

I hope people will wanna enter again. :D

Love, Mokita

Before Dylan could react in any way, Eros had already shoved him back up against the wall, pushing me aside. The worst part was that Dylan didn’t even try to get out of his friend’s firm grip. He just stood there, sagging against the wall with a desolate look in his eyes.

“Are you having an affair with my best friend?” Eros asked me, his voice breaking.

I sighed and raked my hands through my hair. “Of course not! You know that.”

“I don’t know anything anymore,” he replied coldly. “Was this why you wouldn’t let me in for so long? Was this what you were hiding from me? Why, Dem?”

“I think it’s best if Dylan told you that,” I said with another deep sigh. Dylan should have told Eros the truth that very day, I had always known that. However, I also knew that Dylan hadn’t been ready. Ready or not, he would have to come clean now after all. “Could you please just let go of him?”

Eros hissed, but complied anyway. Dylan immediately slid down the wall and remained in a very uncomfortable sitting position on the floor. He glanced up at me and the hurt and fear in his eyes really got to me. Without thinking, I walked over and sat down right next to him, pulling his head down so it could rest on my chest. I embraced him from the side and stroked his dark hair tenderly.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now