Chapter 46

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I know it's been almost 2 months... but I'm back now!

This chapter hasn't been edited yet, since I wanted to get it to you guys as soon as possible! Just point out mistakes to me (in a polite manner :P) and I will fix them!



“Who took my jacket?” A furious, scowling Sam came rushing into the living room, her hands balled into fists as she glared around the room. “Who did it? It was right there on my bed and now it’s gone! Just admit it,” she spat at me. “You took it, didn’t you?”

I blinked in surprise, pressing into the cushions of the couch behind me in an effort to edge away from her. She looked like she was ready to burst. “No, I didn’t,” I said quickly. “I’d never go into your room without permission, let alone take your jacket!”

“Then who?” Sam moved onto Eve, who was edging toward the front door, failing to get out before Sam noticed. “You?”

“Chill,” Paulie said as she walked in from my bedroom, taking off the black leather jacket she was wearing and tossing it at Sam. “I borrowed it for just a sec, don’t get your panties in a bunch over it.”

“What were you doing in our room?” I asked with a frown.

“Borrowing your toothpaste,” Paulie replied like it was the most logical thing ever. “I lost mine and you’re the only one around here not going out of their mind because it’s a full moon tonight.”

The full moon – I had forgotten completely!

“Wait…” I looked at Sam in wonder. “If it’s a full moon, you should be dancing around like there’s no tomorrow. Why are you in such a foul mood?”

Sam growled and threw herself onto the couch. I couldn’t help but flinch away from her when she was acting like this. She and I got along great most days, but she was scary as hell when she wanted to be. Something had put her in a mood so bad that she was almost seemed as full-moon-crazy as Paulie and Eve, who looked like they should be checked into an insane asylum.

“Davy,” Sam said at last, glowering at the thin air in front of her. “He’s gone insane.”

I had never really met Davy, since Sam mostly went over to his place. I’d seen them together during meals and at dances, though. He was pretty much her boyfriend, even though she refused to call him that.

“What did he do?” Eve asked, still lingering at the front door. Even though she wasn’t at her best tonight, she was still worried about her friend.

Sam grunted. “He wants me to meet his parents.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, earning me a vile look. “Yeah,” I said, sobering up quickly but still feeling giddy, “that’s a real crime indeed.”

“You don’t understand,” Sam told me, throwing a pillow at me. “Parents like you. I saw Simon’s parents fawning over you last year, even though you’d just broken up with their son. And even Eros’ evil stepdad seems to condone you. I’m not fit to be a girlfriend, let alone meet anyone’s parents.”

“Then just don’t,” Paulie offered up, walking into my bedroom again. “Demona – I’m borrowing your deodorant. And perfume. And your-”

“Yeah, yeah,” I called back. “Take whatever you need.”

“Paulie’s right,” Eve said, still not feeling comfortable to sit down with us. She kept glancing at the front door. I didn’t blame her: Sam was downright scary like this.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now