Chapter 35

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This one's for uznias, who always listens to all my rants, cheers me up when I'm down and is just a great person to have for a fan. :) Thank you!! He's also the reason I'm posting an early chapter, so you all should thank him. ;)

I'm currently working without an editor, since she's not gonna work for me for the next month or so, so if you see any mistakes, just tell me, okay? :)


The Christmas vacation ended sooner than I had thought possible. Before I knew it, I was sitting on my familiar chair in front of Anthony, who was peering at me through his brand-new glasses. They were bright blue and matched his shirt perfectly.

“You’re worried.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Seriously? I’m fidgeting and looking anywhere but at you with your piercing stare and all you got for me is you’re worried? Of course I am! My boyfriend will most likely be expelled tomorrow! What am I supposed to do, sit back and relax?”

He smiled slightly. “I make you mad.”

“No shit, Sherlock,” I replied irritated. “Seriously, what did they teach you at therapist school? How to make dull statements and ask questions until you patient explodes?”

Therapist school?” Anthony repeated with a scowl. “Really, Demona, that’s the best you could do?”

I let out a startled laugh. “My my, Tony… did you just crack a joke?”

He shrugged. “Back to you, Demona. You’re worried. I want you to tell me: what’s the worst possible thing that could happen tomorrow?”

I closed my eyes and clenched my hands into fists. The thought alone made my skin scrawl and my breath catch. “Eros will get expelled.”

“No,” was the immediate answer. “That’s not what you’re worried about. Of course that would be awful, but I think you’re scared of what will happen after.”

“Of course I am,” I sighed, still keeping my eyes shut. “Once Eros is gone… Who’s gonna keep me from hurting people? Who’s gonna keep me sane? Who’s gonna keep him sane?”

I heard Anthony shift and peeked to see him leaning forward with an intrigued look upon his face. His dull brown hair wasn’t in its usual ponytail, and it obscured part of his face.

“Why do you need him for that? And he you?”

I shrugged. “We’re both not very stable people, you know that.”

“But you have plenty of friends to stand by you and he does too. Why do you need him?”

“Because I love him!” I yelled, getting angry. “What am I supposed to do without him? He was the first person I met at this school, he’s always been there one way or another. And now we’re finally together and the crazy kicks in! I won’t let something he can’t control take him away from me!” I was breathing heavily by the end of my rant.

“This isn’t about Eros, is it?” Anthony observed, tilting his head. “Who else got taken away from you because of something they couldn’t control?”

I blinked rapidly, realizing he was right. “My dad,” I whispered. “My dad had the same powers Eros did and he… he’s in prison.”

He nodded. “I know that. Do you feel like he got taken away from you?”

“I guess.” I scratched the back of my neck and shrugged. “I mean, it’s not like he chose to go insane right? His dad was this crazy ladies man and knocked up young girls left and right before he died. My father told Eros that he tried to track down all those girls to make sure they would know who to contact when their kids started to turn. That’s not something a piece of shit father does, right?”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now