Chapter 30

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Not edited yet... (same story as with the last chapter, editor doesn't have WiFi at the moment...) 

Anyway, another dedication for winning the banner contest :)

Enjoy the chapter!

Love, Mokita


“So... you’re saying you’re his daughter?”

Before I could reply, Eros jumped in. “Her last name’s the same as his, and she obviously has his hair and eyes,” he grunted. “Seriously, what’s the big deal? We just want to go in and visit one of your prisoners. We filled in the forms and everything.”

The guard grimaced slightly when Eros’ mind control started to work on him. I pulled at his sleeve and gave him a stern look. With a heavy sigh, Eros dropped the compulsion and tried to shake off his irritation. We had been arguing with the guard for almost fifteen minutes now.

“I will call my supervisor,” the guard decided at last. “If you’ll just wait over there?”

Eros and I walked over to two uncomfortable plastic chairs. Grumbling, Eros sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I almost fell off since there was so little space, but he held me tightly and rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and took in his warmth and the heady scent of cigarettes and coffee, mixed with something sweet, almost honey-like. It made me itch for a smoke, but I knew better than to ask for one.

We were both tired since we’d hardly slept the night before. I had been up worrying – and when I was so high-strung, it was impossible for Eros to get any rest as well. Maybe I should have shut off the bond so at least one of us would get some rest, but I had been too selfish to do so. I’d needed him with me. Of course he had found some very entertaining and exciting ways to keep me distracted, although my mind kept spinning and churning.

The prison had been quite easy to find. It was located inside of the Tallahassee Office for Refugees – a tall, boring, yellow brick building. I found it ironic that the cover-up for a supernatural prison was an office for refugees. Instead of helping refugees from all over the word, this building harbored high-risk prisoners. Werewolves, witches, fairies… and vampires like my father.

Once inside, two guards hovering near the entrance had quickly intercepted us. One was a vampire, the other a witch. They had brought us to a counter where another guard had been busy with paperwork. It didn’t look like they got visitors here often, since everyone seemed a little surprised to see us there. From what we’d gotten from the conversations between the three men, most visitors were well-known, since they came to visit their imprisoned friend or family member quite often. New visitors only showed up when a new prisoner did, but the last new arrival had been weeks ago.

I knew the paperwork we had brought was just fine, since Simon had filled it all out for us and he never made mistakes when it came to this kind of stuff. Somehow, no one seemed to want to take us to my father right away, which made me wonder what condition he was in. Was it so crazy that someone should want to see him?

“Cassidy is going to make her famous casserole today,” Eros whispered to distract me. “She’s making a vegetarian version just for you.” I smiled while he rambled on about her culinary skills. Being here with his family was amazing and he was so ridiculously sweet to me...

“Demona Hollow and Eros Slayer?”
We looked up at the woman calling our names and I quickly slid off Eros’ lap so I could shake her outstretched hand. She introduced herself as Lindsey Haven and led us into her office one floor up. It was a large office, but the lack of windows made it seem like a dungeon or maybe... maybe even a prison cell. I shuddered – Eros immediately put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder in silent comfort.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now