Chapter 60

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Eros wanted just as much as I did for our final weeks together to be magical. To confirm once and for all that we were made for each other, that just because he was leaving that didn't mean that we were over. I hardly had time to make homework or see my other friends, including Simon, since we kept thinking of things we wanted to do before we ran out of time.

We took a run together every single morning, went swimming as much as we could and even took our first shower together. That only left us horny and annoyed, since we couldn't do what we wanted to when we were both naked, but it was still a nice memory to store away for a rainy day. We watched movies like our lives depended on it, made out whenever we felt like it, ate every single meal together... Basically, we were together from the moment we woke up until curfew set in.

At the end of yet another week that brought us closer to the looming goodbye, Eros had a surprise for me. He was antsy, a rare sight, while we drove to a fancy restaurant nearby. Waiting for us in the parking lot were Sandra and Todd Bullock, the last people I had expected to see. It was obvious that Eros wanted to show me that he was serious about mending his relationship with her.

"You are the most amazing person to ever walk the earth," I whispered to him.

"I know." He showed me his trademark smirk and I fell in love with him all over again in that moment. Even if we would never be able to take our physical relationship further, I would still gladly stay with him until I died, no matter when that might be.

"Eros!" Sandra kissed him on both cheeks. "Thanks so much for inviting us." She fidgeted so much she looked like she might throw up. "Nice to see you again, Demona." I didn't get a kiss on the cheek or even a handshake. A nod was all she gave me. Oh well... I'd only met her one time, but we'd yelled at each other on the phone, so I guess there was no need to break the ice anymore.

"Demona." Todd shook my hand and gave me a brisk nod. "My brother and Cassidy speak very highly of you." Before I could respond, he moved on to Eros. "Good to see you again."

Eros didn't make any snippy remarks and just smiled. I could tell that this was all for me, to show me that he was making an effort, that he wasn't going to take the easy way out and ask Ben to fix things for him. That was great, but I wished he would be doing it for himself rather than me.

We proceeded into the restaurant and sat down, thumbing through the menu. The names were fancy and French, so I asked Eros to translate for me.

"I tried to teach Eros French when he was little," Sandra told me with an almost affectionate glance in her son's direction. "I studied in Paris for a year when I was younger."

For a while, we managed to be perfectly nice to one another. I asked about Sandra's time in Paris and in return she asked me which places Eros and I wanted to visit once we got out of school and got a chance to travel. It was good to see that she finally accepted the fact that I was here to stay, even if she didn't like me very much. The feeling was mutual, but I still kept a smile plastered onto my face.

"How was the charity event?" Eros asked Todd.

His stepfather took a bit of his entrée and shrugged. "It was alright. Part of my job."

Yeah, he wasn't the king of small talk, that man.

"Too bad you couldn't make it." Sandra smiled tentatively, probably remembering the fight she and Eros had gotten into over it. "Maybe you could make it to the next one. It's March 17th, on St. Patrick's Day."

"That's a day before I move to Denver," Eros commented dryly. "So I'll be packing that day. Besides, I'm not allowed to leave the school grounds."

"You're off the school grounds now," Sandra replied snippily.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now