Chapter 4

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This one's for Leonienie, who was a great editor :) Too bad you're too busy for me now girl, but it was GREAT to have you. <3


 Happy early Friday everyone! :D


I woke up early the next day, Anne curled up against me. It took me a while to figure out why the hell I would wake up at six in the morning, but then I realized my phone was buzzing. Anne was sleeping right through it luckily. I rushed into the living room not to wake her up. I had been hoping Eros would be the one calling, but I didn’t recognize the number on the screen.

“Hello?” I asked, yawning.

“You fucking piece of shit! Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

“Good morning to you too, Dylan,” I replied irritated. “Please enlighten me – what have I done wrong this time?”

“Do you realize he is beyond reason right now?” Dylan yelled. “I’ve had to feed him three times this night!”

My breath caught – Dylan having to feed him could only mean one thing: Eros was drunk. Dylan had once told me that when Eros was drunk, he got really bloodthirsty and had to be fed. I cringed when I imagined what Dylan’s arm must look like right now: punctured by teeth, bleeding, bandaged. As if it had not been enough to let me feed on him now he had to take care of his best friend as well. Sure, the guy was obnoxious, but his heart was in the right place.

“What happened?” I asked forcefully. “What can I do?”

“Why the hell did you have to give him that letter?” Dylan asked, no longer yelling but sounding defeated. “You know how he feels about his dad – he’s everything to him. You messed up his whole image of the guy, Demona. How did you think he was going to react?”

“He read the letter?” I asked dully, already knowing the answer.

“Of course he did,” was the irritated response. “He does everything you tell him to, you know that.”

“What can I do?” I repeated. “Should I come over?”

Dylan laughed humorously. “I am pretty sure the last thing he wants right now is to see you. He shut the bond off, didn’t he?”

He was right: Eros had shut me out and that could only mean one thing: he did not want me helping him, leaning him strength, being there for him. “I am so sorry,” I told Dylan. “But if you knew what was in the letter…”

“Oh, I know,” Dylan assured me angrily. “I picked the ugly pink thing off the floor once Eros passed out with a bottle of scotch in his hand.”

“Then you surely understand why he needed to read it,” I said. “He needs to patch things up with his mother. He’s lost his father already, but this is a chance to get his mom back.”

“That’s where you are wrong. He does not care about why his mother did what she did. He feels like he has lost his father all over again, Demona. It turns out he was not the guy he thought he was.”

I rubbed my forehead, trying to force the upcoming headache to dissolve. The letter had stated that Eros’ father Ruben had not only known about his wife having an affair with another man, but had actually encouraged their relationship. Eros had always blamed his mother for cheating on his father and remarrying only four months after her husband’s death but in fact his dad had approved of her lover. Eros’ dad had been afraid of his own bloodlust and had refused to touch his wife, leaving her sad and longing for his touch. When she had taken up a lover, their problems had been solved in some way. She had loved Ruben very much, and she had even written down that she still loved him.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now