Chapter 29

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This chapter hasn't been edited yet. :( My editor worked on it, but she couldn't get it back to me on time for a lack of WiFi... So she'll get them to me when she can, but this chapter & the next few will have some mistakes... even more than ususally :( Sorry!! If you see a mistake, do point it out! :)

Dedicated to Jas_missmystic for winning the banner contest. :) Don't forget that there's a new contest!! (details can be found on my FB page & at the top of chapter 28 of this story)

A big thanks to all the people who reached out to me the past week. It's great hearing from all of you on FB or through PM. Keep the comments, votes & messaging coming. :) And make sure to like my FB page!


Demona’s point of view


I was exhausted when we finally made it into the taxi waiting for us at the airport in Tallahassee. Will had dropped the three of us off at airport Fort Leonard Wood, only thirty minutes from the school. Next was a seven and a half hour flight, squeezed in between Eros and Dylan. By the time we got to the Tallahassee airport, it was late, the night before Thanksgiving. Hammerhead had given us the Wednesday off so that we wouldn’t have to catch a flight on Thanksgiving itself. So we were now off in a cab to Cassidy’s place – again with me being smothered by Dylan and Eros, who were just too damn tall to fold themselves neatly into any kind of seat.

I was curious to see what Cassidy was like. She, her husband Thomas and their six kids were the only family Eros actually enjoyed spending time with. Dylan had been in good spirits all week, happy to have a reason to be with the Bullock family as well. Of course the mere fact that Dylan finally no longer had to hide the fact that he was gay did wonders for his temper. Now that he didn’t feel the need to control his aura anymore, he was less rude and prickly around me. Of course he still liked to mock me every chance he got, but it was more friendly than malevolent nowadays.

His coming-out had been so smooth it was almost ridiculous. No one at school dared to make fun of him, which made sense with his reputation of beating up anyone who bothered him and with Eros and the others backing him up. Dylan had already been asked out a couple of times, but he wasn’t ready to date just yet.

It was weird how easy things were between Dylan and me without all the resentment and anger that usually tainted our relationship. The fact that I had been willing to keep my walls up with Eros had finally convinced Dylan that I was not out to hurt him.

I had often wondered about the whole world-in-balance thing. When one thing is good, another thing is sure to go awry… I had never really believed in it, but the principle seemed to be at large all right. After Simon’s drunken attempt to kiss me, things between him and Eros were tense once more. Eros had truly regarded Simon as a friend, but this was below the belt according to him. I understood where he was coming from and it was all I’d been able to do to keep him from beating the hell out of Simon. He kept telling me that if it had been Holden or Kevin or anyone else really, he would already have made sure the guy was submitted to a hospital with at least four broken bones in his body. I had pointed out to him on various occasions that Dylan was still in pretty good shape if his threats held any truth, but Eros just ignored that.

It was easier for both guys to pretend that Dylan had never kissed me – but he had, and I for once hadn’t forgotten. When I was reveling in the beautiful glow I could now see around Dylan permanently, the memory reared its ugly head sometimes, freaking me out a bit. People seemed to think that kissing wasn’t a big deal to me, but… it kind of was. I’d shared a few kisses with guys back in Warrensburg, and those had meant something every time. I didn’t just go around kissing random people. Sure, I had kissed Eros on various unwise occasions, even when I’d been with Simon, but that was different. Those kisses had certainly meant something to me. These pasts weeks, I had been harassed by Kevin and kissed by Simon and Dylan. None of those things had meant anything to me, not like kissing Eros did, but the memory of their kisses still burned on my lips like liquid acid.

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