Chapter 10

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I'm really bringing on the drama in this chapter, I'm aware of that. :P

I hope you guys like it - I promise next chapter it will become apparent whether or not Dem and Eros are going to be together!

In the meantime, I'm curious to hear who you guys feel is the best match for Dem. I know everyone was already picking sides in SBS, but I am curious to hear whether or not the first chapters of ATOR have changed your minds about who would be best for dear old Demmy.

So... Eros or Simon? Or is anyone still on Team Kevin after what he did in SBS? :P I sincerely hope not! Or maybe some people are Team Dylan even? 


Once a week, maybe even more often, I wonder about my own intellect. Time and time again, past events show me that every time I think I know something, the whole world gets turned upside down. When I thought I was going to be with Simon forever, I developed strong feelings for Eros. Every single time I think I’ve had the worst, something even more awful happens. When I had thought I got why Dylan hated me, it turned out I looked like his dead mother.

When I kissed Eros on Wednesday, I was so sure that it would be the start of a relationship. He would sober up, we would finally have the extremely hot make-out session we had both been dying for and the whole world would be jealous of our love. Yeah… I should have known that was not the way things went down in real life. When was the last time I had been so lucky?

After our kiss, Dylan had stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Eros had tried to go after him, but ended up face-down on the floor. Running across a room under influence? Not a good idea – in case anyone was wondering.

I had ended up putting Eros to bed and sleeping in Dylan’s bed myself, because Eros kept pushing me out in his sleep and Dylan had not returned after his angry storm-off. I had been sure he would return, but he must have spent the night elsewhere. So I cuddled with Rupert, who was very much a normal rabbit. Once the calming herbs had lost their effect he had started sniffling at everything and he hopped around all the time. He seemed to like me, since he had no problem falling asleep in my arms.

When I woke up the next day, all hell broke loose.


“What the hell do you think you’re still doing in my room?”

I blinked at the bright light hurting my eyes and pulled the cover over my head. Eros towered over me, the stench of alcohol and cigarettes radiating off of him. Rupert jumped off the bed in panic, scared of the sudden loud noises.

“Get out!” Eros pulled the blanket off of me and scowled. His aura was so dark it was almost like a black hole sucking me in. But as always, there was some red in there too – just some streaks illuminating his otherwise chilling black glow.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, shooting up. “Did you have a bad dream or something?”

Eros laughed humorlessly. “I cannot believe you really thought that I wouldn’t figure out the trick you were playing on me last night. You’re an awful person, Demona Hollow.” I could tell that he meant every word he was saying, yet I could not figure out what I had done to deserve this. Sure, I had done plenty of bad things, but none of them had occurred the night before. His penetrating stare made me cold to the bone.

“You could have just slapped me in the face or thrown a bucket of water over my head if you wanted to sober me up,” Eros hissed. “You promised me you weren’t going to kiss me unless you wanted to be with me, and yet you did it anyway!”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now