Chapter 19

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Hey guys!

I noticed the last few chapters haven't been read by that many peope... I guess I must be losing some of my readers, although I'm not sure why... :( Maybe the sequel is just not living up to expectations, or the story is getting too long or repetetive? Don't answer that, I'm not sure I want to know!

I hope I've still got enough readers left to inspire me. I'll always keep writing, because I write for myself, not for others, but I've gotten so used to having a couple thousand people (like two or three) reading my chapters that I guess I'm spoiled now. :P

Anyway, I wanted to thank all of you who stuck with me! As a thank you, I will be posting another chapter tomorrow! :D So this week, you'll get a double installment. Isn't that nice? :D

Love you all!

xoxo - Mokita

Eros and I were just discussing our costumes for Halloween when my phone rang. I glanced at the screen and immediately picked up when I saw it was Mom. Anne was still ignoring me, but at least my mother and I were on speaking terms.

“So, did you talk to Eros about getting tested?”

“Mom!” I exclaimed, hurrying out of my living room and into the bedroom. I could feel Eros’ eyes following me and placed a hand over my phone so I could tell my boyfriend to stop listening in on my conversation before I shut the door after me.

“So, did you or did you not?” Mom pressed.

I sighed. “He already got tested before we got together because he wanted to be sure he wasn’t carrying any STDs before we got together.”

“Oh,” my mother breathed surprised. “I don’t like that he’s been with enough girls that he thought that was necessary… but I must say I’m impressed. That’s pretty mature of him.”

“I went to get my birth control pills by the way,” I informed her. “Thanks for making sure I could get them at the nearest pharmacy.”

“Sure thing honey,” my mother replied. I could almost hear her smile. “But be careful – you have to wait and see how your body reacts to them before you let anything happen.”

“Trust me,” I said, “We’re taking it slow.” That wasn’t entirely true, since Eros and I had already gone further than Simon and I had in the first months we’d been dating, but my mother didn’t need to know that. We were still a long way from having sex and that was really all that mattered to Mom.

“Okay so… I guess we should talk about our other discussion from the last time we saw each other…” She sounded nervous now. “I know I should’ve called sooner, but I just needed to wrap my head around it all. I’m still not okay with you looking for your dad, but I get why you want to know more about him.”

“Why is it so bad for me to wanna meet him?” I asked irritated. “He’s my father – I’ve got a right to know if he’s still alive.”

“We both know that knowing he’s alive won’t be enough for you,” she said with a sigh. “You want a father-daughter relationship, but trust me, that’s not gonna happen, even if he’s still out there somewhere. Last time I saw him… he was pretty out of it. He’s not someone I want around my daughter, even though you’re not a little girl anymore. You have to let me protect you.”

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down before answering. I understood where she was coming from, but I could really use her help to find dad. If only she’d just help my find the right Ryker… “Mom,” I started awkwardly, “I get it, okay? But I need to do this. He’s a part of me, somehow, and I just need to find out if he’s still out there, to see what kind of a person he is. I’m still struggling with this whole vampire thing – maybe he can help me accept it.”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now