Chapter 17

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Just when I thought the day couldn’t get any worse, Anne returned. I knew she was back not because I saw or heard her, but because of the mouth watering smell coming from her hand. She’d cut open her palm somehow – got knows how, the girl could be a real klutz when it came to knives or even scissors. Fact was that my fangs shot out in the middle of Greg’s basement.

Sam was closest to me and she immediately realized what was going on. She moved in front of me, shielding me from the others. No one but Simon and Eros had noticed and both guys rushed to my side immediately.

“Dem?” Anne’s voice made my head hurt, the scent of her fresh blood making my whole jaw feel like it was being stabbed with needles.

Eros pulled me against him and steered me past her, out of the door and up the stairs. To my surprise, Dylan was already outside, a thermos in his outstretched hand.

“No animal blood,” I refused, pulling away from everyone. “I’ll just get them back in.”

I focused on Eros, but it was harder than it had been last time. It seemed like the bloodlust had gotten a lot stronger in a really short amount of time.

“It’s not animal blood,” Dylan promised me. “I mixed some of my blood with coffee for you.”

“You – you…” I shook my head and rubbed my temples.

“I had a feeling this might happen, and no one else seems to be taking any responsibility around here,” he explained with a shrug. “I like your friends too much to have you kill them off. Anne’s kinda funny and I especially like that one big. What’s his name… Grog?”

I grunted and took the drink from him, gulping it down with a horrible kind of enjoyment. My fangs went back in and I felt like I could breathe again. To distract myself I argued with Dylan. “You really seem to like everyone but me. Every single one of my friends, my mother, my boyfriend. It’s just me that you’ve got a problem with, isn’t it?” My voice got louder now. “Everyone keeps telling me that you just don’t like people in general, but that’s not true. It’s just me.”

Dylan rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. “Seriously, keep your voice down, drama queen. I just fed you my blood again. You’re not really in a position to demand anything from me, little girl. I’ve been perfectly nice to you all day.”

“Perfectly nice?” I spat. “You told my mom about getting caught with Eros!”

He shrugged again. “I like your mom, she’s way nicer than you are. Way hotter too. You obviously didn’t get any of her great genes.” His gaze went over me, taking in every single part of my body. “No tits to speak off, a flat ass, way too tiny… You must have gotten the monster genes from that horrible dad of yours.”

I screamed and threw myself at him. I knew he was trying to get to me, but it was working even though I knew what he was doing. I pulled at his hair, at his clothes, clawed at his face and bit his upper arm. It was a good thing my fangs were already back in, or I would have torn open his flesh. Then again… it would have served him right.

A few seconds later, Eros pulled me off, holding me so strongly that I knew I would have bruises later on. Nevertheless, I struggled against him, trying to get at Dylan.

“What the hell is going on here?”

We all turned to Anne and Greg, who were standing on the threshold, staring at the scene in front of them. Thank God I had my canines stashed away safely in their small, more natural form in the back of my mouth.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now