Chapter 11

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I took a deep breath. “So… as many of you know, I was kind of a floozy last year.”

That got a few laughs and a mocking look from Sheila, who was right in front of me, her arms crossed over her chest. Of course Eros’ last girlfriend would want a front row seat to this.

“Anyone who was at the school board meeting must have heard my great friend Dylan call me all kinds of horrible names, and I guess he was sort of right.” That got me a curious glance from Dylan himself. “Yeah, you heard that right,” I said to him with a little smile. “We don’t always have to disagree, you know. So okay, I messed up last year. I was with Simon for well… most of the time, not counting the times we broke up… Anyway, I don’t really want to get into that, but yeah…” I was so nervous I was starting to ramble, totally messing this up.

I felt a wave of strength hit me then and I caught Simon’s gaze form across the room. He gave me the thumbs up and smiled. That made me feel better: if I had him on my side, I could do pretty much anything.

“Okay, on with the story, you guys all want to get back to your lunch of course,” I said hastily. “So last year, I was with Simon yet that guy over there…” I pointed at Eros, who just met my eye unblinkingly. “…he kept telling me that I would end up with him. Time and time again he told me that he was the one for me and that I would see that one day. But well, he doesn’t really have the best track record, so excuse me for not believing him right away.”

A few girls laughed and nodded knowingly. A lot of them were part of Eros’ bad record so they should know.

“Anyway, I kissed Eros quite a few times, even when I was with Simon.” I grimaced at the memory and looked at the ground. “That was pretty shitty of me, and both guys know how sorry I am for that. So eventually, Simon and I ended things and I took some time to think. Of course I messed up again and taking time to think turned out to just be kissing Eros some more, right after the break-up with Simon. Of course everyone got mad and people yelled at me…”

“Serves you right!” Sheila cut in, jeering.

“Yeah, thanks for that,” I replied irritated. “But yes, I guess I deserved it. Eros was not too happy with me either, and he told me that the next time I kissed him, I had better make sure that I wanted to be with him for real. I took the summer to think about that, to figure out what I want.” I looked at Eros now, trying to get through to him. “And I did figure it out: I realized that what I want doesn’t matter. I want so many things, but what I should have been doing was going after what I need. And yes, I want to be with you Eros, more than anything, but I also need to be with you. I don’t know what to do without you and I don’t really want to find out either…”

Eros eyes were fixated on me, but I could still tell he did not believe me completely.

“Last night,” I said loudly, looking around at all the students staring at me, “I kissed Eros. I had figured things out and I didn’t want to wait any longer to let you know. And no, last night was not the perfect time, but it never is for us, Eros…” I was starting to get emotional – I really needed to get on with this fast. “We went to sleep after our kiss – no, Sheila, don’t look at me like that, nothing happened! But today, he won’t even look at me. Somehow, he has got it into that stupid head of his that I broke my promise to him, that I was only trying to snap him out of this really tough time he is having. Which is insane by the way,” I told Eros directly, scowling. “I just don’t get it, Eros. You knew that we were meant to be together from the moment you met me, you have been telling me that we are right for each other and that we will end up together for…” I paused and threw up my arms. “How long has it been now, Eros? Six months? No, probably even longer… nine or maybe even ten months I think. That’s how long you have been pestering me, trying to convince me that you and I are right for each other. And now that I finally see that you were right all along and that I’m all in – now you decide that I don’t really love you?”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now