Chapter 31

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Third chapter I'm posting today! Am I awesome or what? :P

This one's for a true fan & faithful reader of mine. :)

Oh, and if anyone of you lives in Florida, do tell me! I'm soon gonna write some scenes there, since the gang is taking a trip there. Anyone who can help me making sure it all seems real should message or comment! :D



Benjamin Foul turned out to be someone I should definitely keep an eye out for. More than that even: I needed to go actively looking for him asap. He was twenty-one, most likely a full vampire and he could probably see auras and use mind control.

He was the child of a woman named Julia Foul. She was one in the long strong of young girls Jack’s father had married, dated or just abused. Apparently my grandfather, Nicholas Hollow, had conceived kids left and right. According to Jack, there was a whole bunch of them. Jack hadn’t known until he was about eighteen years old. Back when Jack had still lived with his dad, before he went off to a supernatural boarding school in Canada, Nicholas had married a twenty-four year-old werewolf called Tuff. They didn’t exactly get along, but when Jack found out that his father had been compelling the young girls to be with him, abusing them and having affairs left and right, he decided to look for Tuff to see how life had turned out for her after Nic had gotten rid of her out of sheer boredom.

As it had turned out, Tuff was raising a little boy on her own. She had hinted that there were more young women raising kids that Nic had fathered – every single one of them on their own. Jack had feared there might be vampires amongst the kids and had traveled all over the USA to find all of them. The only one who had been unfortunate enough to have been raised by Nic himself was Jack.

My father had been able to make sure all mothers had the phone number of someone who could help them if their kids turned out to be supernatural. Tuff’s son Coby had started to turn into a werewolf right before Jack had been imprisoned. Jack had been able to help every kid who had started the Trans into a vampire or another supernatural creature. He had made sure that he knew for sure the others were just humans. Seeing auras helped with that.

There had been a few young girls that Jack hadn’t gotten to see after their infant days, but since girls normally don’t turn into vampires, he wasn’t worried about them. The boys were another matter entirely. There had been one male half-sibling who Jack hadn’t gotten to see around the age of the start of the transformation: Benjamin Foul. Somehow, Jack was convinced that Ben was now a fully turned vampire with the same powers he and Nicholas had.

It was now irrefutably my task to find Benjamin and make sure he wasn’t abusing the amazing powers every Hollow supposedly had. Eros hadn’t been able to get more information from Jack about the other kids Nicholas had conceived, but my father had let on that he had documented his search somewhere. Most likely my mother still had those documents somewhere, stashed away with all of his other stuff so she wouldn’t have to think about any of it.

We had already called Hammerhead to keep him in the loop, asking him to look into who this Benjamin Foul might be and where I could possibly find him. He promised to do some serious research, but he couldn’t guarantee any results, at least not quickly. He would have to get ahold of some prohibited documents and that kind of stuff took time. That meant I had to be what I loathed most: patient.


That night, even Eros’ amazing make-out skills weren’t enough to keep my mind off of my father and my uncle Benjamin. Who knew how many Hollows there were out there, how large my family was. It was a good thing that most were girls, but how could it be that I was the only female vampire in such a screwed-up family? Where was the logic in that?

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