Chapter 1

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In my country, it is not Valentine's day just yet, but I know that in some parts of the world... it is! So happy Valentine to all of you - I hope you'll enjoy the very first chapter of A Touch or Red (ATOR). Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Demona’s point of view


I drummed my fingers on the cold metal while I sat impatiently on the hood of my car. I had been waiting for twenty minutes already out here in the middle of nowhere. I had been in the Paddy Creek Wilderness before of course, since my school was in the middle of it and my mother’s house was only three hours away. But to sit here on my car all by myself… It did not feel comfortable at all.

At last, I heard a car pull up to the little road I was parked in. I jumped off the hood and found a smile creeping onto my face. I had really missed him the past few weeks and I was glad I would not have to wait until school started to see him.

“Little one!” Eros yelled, his feelings matching mine. His arms wrapped around me and I found myself engulfed in his dark aura with red streaks in it. The red meant he loved me, I had learned only a few weeks ago. It made me feel all fuzzy inside to see that the crimson color was still there, even after five weeks of being apart.

Of course it was impossible to truly be apart from Eros, since we shared a mental connection that was rare, even among our kind. I had been tuned into him and my other bondmate Simon for the past weeks and we had talked on Skype a lot. But seeing him, touching him, having him so close… that was something else entirely.

“Since when do you own a car?”

I gasped when I heard a male voice behind me and I whirled around to see Dylan inspecting my brand new vehicle. Okay, maybe not brand new, since it was an old barrel I had bought off some guy for a few bucks, but still. It was my very first car.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I demanded to know, staying close to Eros while talking to his friend. It felt good to have his arm around me, even if it was hot and humid out here today.

“I was with Dylan when you called,” Eros explained. “I told you I’d be staying with him for the final two weeks of the holiday, right?”

“Yeah,” I confirmed. “But you didn’t tell me you were going to bring him here!”

“Hey, when a damsel in distress calls for help, who am I to decline?” Dylan cut in.

I rolled my eyes but relaxed a little. The bickering and complaining was the same as it had been five weeks ago, which was actually quite reassuring. At least it was one thing that hadn’t changed. The past weeks, I’d been feeling like everything was different.

“So, where did you get this piece of crap?” Dylan asked, gesturing to the car. “I never saw it around school last year.”

“I didn’t even think you had a license,” Eros added with a frown.

“I didn’t,” I affirmed. “I got myself a learner’s permit the moment I got back home.”

Eros’ whole body went rigid. “But that means you’ve only been driving for what – five weeks?”

“Pretty much.”

He stepped away from me and slammed his hand against the side of the car, making me wince. The battered old Volvo wasn’t made for that kind of stunts. “You’re supposed to be driving with a licensed adult!” Eros exclaimed, his emotions raging within both him and me. “And instead you go for a three hour drive in this piece of shit! On your own.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now