Chapter 25

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So sorry - I know I'm a day late! I was sick yesterday... A headache so bad my head was about to explode, so I couldn't bear to look at a screen or anything really... Even reading was a struggle, so I just snuggled against my boyfriend and went straight to sleep. So... hope you're not mad! To make up for it, I will post 2 chapters today!!

On Tuesday November fourth I didn’t get to see Eros until way after dinner. I knew he had been attending classes, but he hadn’t shown up for breakfast or any of the breaks. This morning, I found another playing card taped to the door of my dorm. Eros had written another lyric on it: This is gonna be the best day of my life. I had smiled and stuck it on the wall above my bed, along with the other heart cards. There were five so far, all with lyrics on them that fit well with the day he had given it to me.

That day I just couldn’t figure out why it would be the best day of my life… It just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. Since Eros was off doing something with his walls drawn up, I had no idea what he was up to. He texted me frequently, telling me not to worry, so I just had dinner with Simon that night. Only Will was sitting with us, since Antwan refused to even be in a room with his best friend. Amy and Gabrielle were with Minnie, trying to comfort her in the aftermath of the mess she’d made at Halloween. Minnie wasn’t talking to me anymore, and Amy was mad at Simon because he refused to take a stand in the matter. So basically, no one was talking to anyone. Simon and I tried to keep the peace, but seeing as Minnie blamed me for everything, that was impossible.

“How are you holding up?” Simon asked Will when he sat down opposite us.

He grimaced and picked at his spaghetti. “She won’t even open the door. I had a class with her today and she called in sick just to avoid me.”

“How did this even happen?” I asked, unable to control myself. “I mean… I get how sex works, but…”

Will shrugged, keeping his eyes down. “She came up to me crying, and next thing I knew, we were back at her dorm and she was taking off my clothes. I know I shouldn’t have... but Dem, you of all people should understand what it’s like. You and Eros last year... I mean come on, even when you were with Simon your chemistry was off the charts.”

Simon and I exchanged an uneasy look. Although our friendship was great, we still didn’t like being reminded of the kisses I’d shared with Eros while Simon and I had been dating. And it hadn’t just been those kisses, I was realizing lately. I had confided in Eros, turned to him instead of Simon...

“Still,” I said eventually, “it wasn’t very smart.”

Will grunted and threw his fork down. “You don’t have to tell me that! But it would have been nice if you’d given me a heads-up about all of this! You knew Antwan was going to leave Minnie, yet you led me to believe everything was fine between them and that I was a horrible person!”

“I never said any such thing!” I protested. “But... you’re right. I just... everyone was telling me their secrets: you, Antwan, Anne... who was I supposed to be most loyal to? You tell me, which team should I’ve been on? I couldn’t just tell you to go for it and break them up! Antwan is your best friend! And Minnie... I wanted to let her know what her boyfriend was up to, but he kept promising me that nothing was happening with Anne and that he would break all bonds with her.”

“So it’s true?” Simon asked surprised. “Minnie told me you knew, but I couldn’t believe it... why didn’t you say anything? You could at least have told me.”

I let out a choked laugh. “Nothing to show what a loyal friend you are than to tell someone anyway,” I scoffed. “Besides, things have been kinda tense with us the past two months. We’re great now, but we’ve been tiptoeing around each other for a while and if I remember correctly, you ignored me for quite some time.”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now