Chapter 63

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"Is that what I think it is?" Eros' eyes went up and down my body, taking in coat I'd worn to the hotel. It was an old one that I didn't normally wear. Only for special occasions.

"That depends on what you think it is," I teased.

"I think you're getting a little carried away these last few weeks, now that you know our days together are numbered." Eros smirked. "I can't say that I mind."

Our days were numbered. He had no idea just how right he was about that.

I moved over from where I'd been standing near the door. I made sure the door was locked – something I'd never cared about before – and made my way over to the sexy vampire waiting for me in the doorway to his bedroom. Before I could give myself over to him, I needed to do one last thing. His phone was on the table and I turned my back on Eros, letting the coat drop to the floor while I bent over to turn it off.

From the sharp intake of breath behind me, I could tell that my outfit combined with bending over had distracted Eros enough to not realize I'd just made sure no one could reach him for the next few hours. Especially not Dylan.

Eros didn't waste any time. As I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist, he was already taking off my bra. He shut the door by kicking it with his foor and lowered me down on the bed.

"As much as I love this," Eros breathed as I pulled the shirt over his head, "we need to be careful."

"Yeah, yeah," I replied, knowing that whatever was going to happen, careful was not a term that applied to any of it.

"Demona, I'm serious." He grabbed my hands in his and gave me a stern look. He must have felt that I wasn't in the mood to be anything but reckless. "If I don't stop in time, you need to tell me, okay? I can't be the only one keeping an eye on the compulsion."

"Sure," I agreed, pouting at him. "Kiss me?"

He complied with a smile. When I moved on to tugging at his belt, he let out a soft laugh. "Take it easy, little one, we have all the time in the world."

That was far from the truth, but I took a deep breath to keep myself from panicking. We had a few hours, if Dylan didn't think of something that I hadn't foreseen. I could allow myself to move a little slower, enjoy myself. This was my first time, after all – and it might just turn out be the only time. I wanted this to be a wonderful, lasting memory for both Eros and myself.

Eros wiggled off my thong and grunted in approval. "You're my favorite view in the world," he whispered before leaning down to kiss me.

Instead of letting me undress him, Eros got up and slowly took off his remaining clothes, enjoying my eyes on him. He smirked when I got impatient because he was taking so long. Finally, he joined me in bed again and things heated up so fast that Eros had to pull away from me within minutes.

"We need to slow things down," he grunted, annoyed.

I pressed myself up against him and kissed his neck in his favorite spot, making him shiver. "Don't you want me?" I asked in what I hoped was a seductive tone.

"You know I do." His reponse to my touch made that obvious as much as his words did. "We just can't take any chances, Dem. I know you want to... and I do too, but we both know it would end in disastar and I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to have to find out hwat life is like without you."

"Don't you think it would be worth it?" I asked, letting my hands move down his body.

He stopped me immediately. "No," he breathed, "no, we can't." His resolve was wavering, but no matter how many times we toed the line, I knew he would never cross it unless I convinced him that there would be absolutely no consequences for either of us. The moment he felt the seductive mist of his compulsion seep into me through the bond, he stopped whatever we were doing. I loved him for it, but I still had to convince him that tonight, it was okay.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now