Chapter 21

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Author's note:

Don't forget the banner contest! Deadline in June 22nd! Pick your favorite quote, make something out of it with a picture or a drawing or whatever and send it to me through Facebook, a link of a PM!

Thank you all for the support, constructive criticism and kind words the past two weeks. :) You guys really make me smile. So thank you for keeping me inspired! As always: feel free to comment on ANYTHING, PM me with questions, tips or just to say hi. And don't forget to add me on FB or like my page.


Of course it's all tasteful and nothing too bad, but I just wanted to warn you, in case you have a problem with that kind of stuff. Trust me, it's nothing too bad, I don't write erotic stories or anything!


The moment I opened my eyes, I felt like crap. It had been like this for days now, and I was getting pretty damn sick of it. I rolled over, trying to get some more sleep. It was still too dark out to be time to get up yet. I felt a surge of energy from Eros and grunted – he was up. More than that, he was at the door. I threw my pillow in the air and kicked it just to get some of my anger out before facing my boyfriend – who deserved more than this foul mood.

“Come on,” Eros said the moment I opened the door for him. “We’re going for a run.”

“But it’s raining,” I complained. “And it’s cold.” So much for not confronting him with my temper.

Eros sighed. “So what? You never minded before.”

“Well, now I do.”

Our eyes locked and for a long moment, we tried to stare the other down. I won, but only because he just gave up. I must be a real basket case for him to let me win this easily: Eros is a wonderful person, but he can be a sore loser at times. He must love me a lot to let me have this one.

“Fine,” he groaned. “No running. I’ve got another idea…”

“What?” I asked, trying to sound less irritated than I felt.

His eyes glinted excitedly. “I’m not telling.” Before I could protest, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me down the hall like a bag of potatoes. I screamed, banging my fists against his back. I didn’t really mind that he was carrying me unceremoniously, but I had on nothing but a nightgown – a piece of clothing not meant for these kinds of activities. If anyone walked past, they would get a clear look at my panties.

“Stop fighting,” Eros told me. He was obviously very pleased with himself. “I’m not kidnapping you. Well… not for long anyway.”

It was a good thing it was still so early. Of course I would have preferred to be woken up later than six o’clock in the morning on a school day. Hell – on any day really. But at least it meant no one witnessed this whole charade.

“Where are we going?” I asked, giving up the fight. I scrunched my nose when I noticed a familiar smell. “Chlorine? Are you taking me swimming?”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now