Chapter 64

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Eros' point it view

It wasn't until I tried to kiss her that I realized something was very wrong. In fact, everything was wrong. I no longer felt her presence in my mind, no longer saw her aura. Demona stopped moving completely underneath me, her hands slid off my back and her eyes rolled back in her head.


Never had I been shaken out of my post-sex haze more abrupt. I rolled off her and tried to shake her awake.


She didn't repond in any way. For the first time in a year and a half, I couldn't feel her in any way through the bond. It was like it wasn't there anymore. Like she was there anymore, nothing left but her body.

There was a precense at the edge of my mind. When I examined it, I recognized it vaguely. Simon? It felt much like it did when Demona was asleep, her presence not outspoken but still perceptible. This sure as hell wasn't her. It felt like Demona had cut herself out of the bond, only me and him remaining.

Panic overtook me at that point and I shook her so hard that her head bobbed helplessly up and down. I should have known it was a bad idea, that a stupid little bracelet could never protect her from me. I shouldn't have listened to her, but she had be so convincing and I'd been wanting to be with her for so long...

Luckily, she was still breathing. I took deep breaths to steady myself while I threw out the condom and pulled on my pants. I picked up my shirt from the floor and carefully put in on her, along with my boxer shorts. I needed to get help for her and I could hardly run around through school naked with her in my arms.

"Please wake up," I begged her. "Please, Demona, I'm so sorry, wake up, please."

No reaction.

Okay, Eros, breathe. Think. Do something.

My panic woke Simon up, I felt him stir in my mind. The moment he realized it was me instead of Demona, his entire being screamed at me through the connection. I don't know, I tried to tell him, I don't know why or how to fix it. Help me!

I gathered her up in my arms and walked out of my room, through the living room and into the hallway. Pausing, I tried to figure out where to take her. Terror made my thoughts erratic. Before I could come to a sound decision, Simon came running down the hall on the left and Mr. Hammerhead hurried down the righthand corridor. Thank God.

"Oh no," Simon whispered when he realized his fears had come true. His hands fumbled over Demona, trying to restore his connection to her, but failing just like I had.

Hammerhead looked down on the three of us for a long, tense moment before he let out a heavy sigh and told us to follow him to the nurse's office. When he suddenlty started talking, I realized he had a phone in his hand.

"Yeah, I'm with them."

"Is she okay?" I could swear the hysteric voice on theother side of the phone was Dylan's.

"No," Hammerhead answered, looking back at her limp body. "I was too late."

In the hospital, I put her down on the bed carefully, praying that Hammerhead was wrong. Demona had to be okay. She was just recuperaring, I told myself. She was going to be okay. Maybe if I just wanted it to be true hard enough, I could will her to be okay.

In a surge of inspiration, I tried to call op my mind control. If nothing else worked, I might be able to compel her into waking up. When I dug deep inside myself but didn't find anything, no mist, no compulsion, no anything, I knew that it was over.

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now