Chapter 22

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So... against my own principals & promises I am now updating an extra chapter because you guys are all so awesome! Keep the comments & votes coming dear readers :D

Thanks to MelissaColeIG for editing on such short notice!!

“Demona!” Two flailing hands were trying to pry me off Amy, but they weren’t nearly strong enough to make me budge. I snarled at the guy pulling at me, but backed off when I saw who it was. Simon. Quickly, I let go of his girlfriend and took a few steps back. I should have felt him coming, but I’d been too wrapped up in my conversation with Amy.

Trembling like a leaf, she stumbled against Simon, who put his arms around her protectively. “What the hell, Dem!” Simon exclaimed furiously. “Is this what it’s come to? You attacking my girlfriend?”

“Dem!” Eros hurried into the classroom and immediately I felt better. His presence was comforting, the concern on his face warming me.

“She attacked Amy!” Simon told him, still shielding Amy like he was afraid I’d do it again.

“What did she do?” Eros asked me, grunting.

In spite of everything, I smiled. At least my own boyfriend knew I wouldn’t strangle someone without good reason. “Simon told Amy about my dad and she...” I shook my head. “I don’t really want to repeat what she said about him. And me.”

“She’s lying!” Amy screeched. “I just wanted to talk to her, get to know her because she’s your bondmate. To think that I wanted to ask her and Eros on a double date!”

“You-” I couldn’t respond to that, not without ripping off her head.

Eros scoffed. “Dem may be crazy, but she’d never lie to you, Simon, you know that.”

“I used to think that too,” Simon replied furious. “Except... I never told Amy about your dad, so she couldn’t possible have said anything about that.”

“But...” I could tell Simon was telling the truth – the bond confirmed that much. But then again, he should be able to tell that I wasn’t lying. “You’re really going to take her word over the evidence in our bond?”

He shook his head. “I’m taking what I can see over what I can feel, Dem. And what I saw was you threatening my girlfriend with your vampire strength and fangs. That’s not okay.”

“Oh shut up,” Eros replied. “You know what you are, Simon? Blind. Demona made some mistakes in the past, but you need to let that go. She’s been an amazing friend to you lately, yet you keep believing your brand new girlfriend. You don’t even love her, Simon. Why the hell would you believe her over Dem?”

“What is he talking about?” Amy asked, still faking fear and confusion. Eros and I weren’t fooled though. We both saw the sly and conniving look in her eyes.

“That’s right,” Eros spat. “Demona told me that there’s no red in Simon’s aura when he looks at you. You know who he loves? You know who makes his aura light up like fireworks?”

“Don’t,” I told Eros, pulling at his sleeve. “Just don’t, okay?”

“No,” Amy pressed, “tell me.”

“Come on,” I pleaded, jerking at Eros now. I really didn’t need him to make this any worse than it already was.

He took a deep breath and finally looked at me. “Let’s get out of here. They deserve each other.”

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now