Chapter 61

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"Dylan?" I called out when I saw the door of the dorm was slightly ajar.

I'd just left Eros and Simon after our United Board training session. Simon was going back to his dorm and Eros had offered to get us our favorite coffees from the coffee shop two miles from the school. I'd been craving one of their caramel coffees all day, so I'd agreed and headed over to Dylan, Leo and Corey to ask if they wanted anything so I could text Eros their orders.

The fact that the door was already open was weird. It never was. I listened carefully and heard only one person's breaths coming from the living room. That most likely meant that Corey and Leo weren't in. Dylan knew what time we usually got back from our training session and he tried to spend as much time with Eros as he could before March 18th would be upon us.

"Dylan?" I called again, stepping into the dorm and closing the door behind me. The smell of blood hit me hard and even though my control was better than it used to be, my fangs shoot out.

"Get away from me!" Dylan yelled even before I saw him. "Run!"

Startled, I took in the scene before me. There was blood everywhere. To my relief, I saw blood bags laying all around the room. The blood didn't seem to be from Dylan himself. It was, however, extremely disturbing that he'd tore into them like this. He was the vision of control over his bloodlust on any given day. His fangs were out, also a rare sight for him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, moving over to him, trying to ignore the call of the blood.

"No," he bit out. "Leo and Corey are getting Hammerhead, anyone. It's time. This is it."

It took a moment to get what he was saying. This was what had happened to Sam when she'd completed the Trans, only I was now witnessing the vampire version. Fangs that wouldn't go back in, out of control bloodlust...

"Everything is empty," he said, looking around for another blood bag. His eyes focused on me next, eyeing me like I was a living, breathing blood bag.

Instantly, I shied back, but that I remembered that this was Dylan. One of my best friends. My family, even, my cousin. The one person who had helped me through my bloodlust, without whom I would be a lot worse off for sure. The person who was a vegetarian because of me.

"Here," I told him, rolling up my sleeve so I could offer him my wrist. "Dig in."

Normally, he would have told me that there was no way he was drinking from me, but he was so out of it that he immediately latched onto my flesh, piercing it with his sharp fangs. That hurt, I'm not gonna lie. It hurt like a motherfucker. Once he started sucking, the pain subdued somewhat, but it wasn't the kind of sensual experience most books and movies promised it would be.


I had to focus as best as I could to find out whose voice was piercing through the dark haze that was taking control of me. Blood loss, I knew.

Someone picked up while someone else pulled Dylan off of me. Next thing I knew, I was in a bed so soft that I never wanted to get up again.


Luckily, the blood loss I had suffered hadn't been all that bad. Dylan was in one of the holding cells and Carl had been able to see him for a few minutes. He came back looked spooked, finally truly realized that his beloved boyfriend was not just someone who decorated rooms in heart shaped balloons, but also a vampire who had sharp fangs and who suffered from bloodlust.

"He wasn't too out of it," Carl told us, but his mind and heart were obviously still with Dylan in the basement and not in the conversation we were having. "He was able to have a conversation for about two minutes before he started ripping open blood bags again."

Supernatural Boarding School #2 - A Touch of Red ✅Where stories live. Discover now