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^^ Nicola Wincenc as Nicolas ^^

This is my second story. I hope it get more views than the first, but you know, whatever. I'm writing for myself.

Anywho, don't copy my work. Don't leave hate (unless it's love hate). And don't be little whores about this long ass author's note.

Lots of love to you all! Hope ya'll like it!


Nicolas grabbed onto Julian's shoulders as another shiver wracked through him. Julian pulled Nicolas higher and tighter against his body, shoving his face in between is shoulder and neck. His breath harsh, uncontrolled, fanning Nicolas' ear. Nicolas arched up into Julian, his body aching. Julian smoothed his hands over Nicolas' sides and whispered praise in his ear. Nicolas scratched at Julian's back needing to mark Julian as his.

"Cum for me, miel. Cum for me now." Nicolas' eyes rolled to the back of his head as Julian jerked him to completion. He cried out and then everything went black.

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