Chapter 6 - Sexy Employee

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**Julian's POV**

"That is no way to talk to your employee, Mr. Tomas." I scoffed and stepped closer to Nicolas.

"What are you going to do about it?" I whispered against his ear and watched him shiver. I backed away from him and smirked.

"It's harassment, you could go to jail." Nicolas' eyes were wide and innocent.

"Only if you report me." I looked down at him, eyebrow arched. He shook his head and bit his lip.

"Just d-don't do that anymore." He looked up at me, anger clouding his eyes.

"Alright. Just don't come begging for me later." I sauntered out of his built-in office and into my own. My eyes clenched shut as the sun still went through my sunglasses. I walked over to my desk, reached under it, and pressed the button to frost the windows. I sighed in relief when the sun wasn't so strong anymore.

I opened the top desk drawer and pulled out the bottle of Advil and poured two in my hand. I threw my head back as I tossed the pills in my mouth, swallowing them dry. I sipped at my coffee after though.

I sat at my desk and forced myself to at least look like I was doing work. I know, I shouldn't slack off, being a CEO and all that jazz. But, I should have called out today. My hangover was killing me and the twink I slept with left early and left a note. A note about how I called him Nicolas the whole time and how rude it was. God, I thought I had more control, but my drunk mind obviously didn't.

But I couldn't blame it just on drunk me. As soon as I saw Nicolas at his desk, my urges to have him underneath me withering in pleasure, took over.

"Mr. Tomas, sir, you have a meeting in fifteen minutes." Nicolas' voice broke me out of my thought. I looked at him standing in the doorway of my office. His eyes were downcast, his hands fidgeting on a piece of paper, and his leg jostling.

"Cancel all of meetings for today." He looked up at me finally, eyes wide and in shock. Camliac mustn't have done that often or at all. My eyes stayed on him as he nodded and all but ran out of my office. Did I really scare him that much? Oh God.

I picked up my office phone and called Melanie. "What?" She sounded aggravated and it tested my hungover brain.

"I think I scared off my boy." I pinched my bridge of my nose and closed my eyes.

"You think?" She scoffed. "He came out of your office, tears in the corners of his eyes."

"I just had to screw it up. But I couldn't help it, he looked so good sitting at his desk, studying my schedule." I pulled my hand off my nose and slammed it against my desk. "My hungover brain couldn't help it."

"Yeah, sure. I'm sure your Master Dom would be proud to know that you scared off a pretty little twink." She laughed and I frowned.

"You sure do talk a lot for a sub who's always in trouble with her Dom." I tried to come off smug, but I probably sounded like a petulant child.

"Mistress Candice loves my mouth." I cringed at the mental image.

~(Mistress Candice)~

~(Mistress Candice)~

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"I'm gay, Melanie. I don't need to imagine what you do with your mouth. It doesn't interest me unlike your Mistress." Melanie sputtered and coughed for a minute.

"Wow, Julian. It's not like that wasn't obvious." Sarcasm dripped off of her words like honey.

"Anyway, back to the issue at hand. I can't believe I scared him, it makes me want to coddle him more." Melanie just humphed and I could mentally see her rolling her eyes.

"You need to give him some space. It's not like he's into the scene and you can't just ask. You know there's this thing called the law when it comes to that." I arched my eyebrow, even if she can't see it.

"Tell me something I didn't know." I heard tapping in the background and I knew I was beginning to get in way of her work. "Melanie, I'll talk to you later. I have to get back to work and I know that you have to, too." She made a low noise.

"Wait. He just came out of the bathroom, I'm going to ask him about the scene." I heard her get up.

"No, I mean, you don't have to. We can find out tomorrow, Master Andrew said that there was going to be 3 new guests of his." She made a sound of annoyance and I hung up on her.

~(Master Dom Andrew)~

God, know she'd bother me until I told her my feelings toward Nicolas King

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God, know she'd bother me until I told her my feelings toward Nicolas King. When I didn't even know my own feelings for him yet. The only thing that I feel is lust and building fondness. I knew that if any kind of relationship that would happen would come with arguments and good times. I also knew that I couldn't bring myself to immediately fall in love with him. Because there is no such thing as love at first sight, much less to fall in love at first sight. I needed to trust him first. I needed him to trust me.


Dedicated to @Redcowgirl and @attack_on_the_gays Thank you guys for voting!!! SO much love in y'alls direction.

Anybody else think Andre Hamann's ass is one of the best things on Earth. Ugh, please, can I have him, too. lol

Anyway, tell me how you guys like it!



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