Chapter 33 - His Portals

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^^ Nicolas ^^
**Nicolas POV**

Julian had me on edge all day. Whispering dirty word and promises in my ears while he casually jerked me. And fuck if that wasn't torture. I was going to die of sexual frustration if he keeps this up.

"Hey, Nicolas." I looked up at Melanie. Her lips were a deep red today and her face held a pouty expression.

"What do you need?" She twisted her fingers around the necklace her Mistress got her for Christmas.

"Mistress and I wanted to know if you and Julian are coming to the club tonight." I frowned at that. Julian didn't tell me that we were and I didn't want to interrupt his plans just because I wanted to go to the club.

"I'll ask Julian if he wants to go, okay?" Melanie gave me a sly smile before nodding excitedly.

"Well tell him that if he does come, Master Ben and Link are playing tonight." She waggle her eyebrows and I couldn't help but to laugh at the expression on her face.

"Yeah, I'll tell him. Eyebrows and all." She burst out laughing, her left hand tucking her stomach while her right hand is holding onto my desk for support.

"Why in the world was that so funny?And do not say because you're a comedian because you have the worst sense of humor I've ever met." I gasp.

"Hey, I am not that bad!" She scoffs at me.

"Keep telling yourself that." She chuckles and walks out of the office.

"You aren't that bad at what? Hmmmm?" Julian spoke from behind me. I spun my chair around to see him.

"Telling jokes. I'm going to be a comedian one day, didn't you know that?" I arched an eyebrow at him and he just laughed.

"Definitely the best joke I've heard come from your mouth so far." I glared at him because I know I am funny.

"Anyway, she wants to know if we are going to the club tonight. Master Ben and Link are performing, supposedly." Julian smirked at me.

"We are definitely going to the club tonight. You're going to love their scene. It'll make you so hard and wet that you'll be begging me to fuck you." I gulped at the mischievous look in his eyes. Fuck, I think I opened a portal to another version of Julian.


Dedicated to:

@haljoy26 @mickeymouse7569 @sica97200 @RavenLizz @day1dreamer @ray7674 @sweetbeing @angelou517

47K! Yall work far to hard for me to muss a week...gah! I apologize for doing that by the way. I'm not going to lie, I had 0 motivation to write and I felt so bad for giving you guys something dry and boring like this...

Anyway, I love you guys so much!

Tell me what you think!




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