Chapter 39 - My Man

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^^ Nicolas ^^
**Nicolas POV**

Julian ran his hand through my hair, the silent praise made me smile.

"Good boy, Nicolas." He tapped his thigh, giving me silent permission to sit on his lap. "You've done so good today. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, sir." He gripped my ass cheeks and pull me closer.

"No problem, baby." My blush was quick to rush to my cheeks.

"God, you look hot." Julian groaned before nuzzling my neck. "I'm glad training is over."

"Why?" He kissed across my jawline.

"Because now I can have you." I gripped his shoulders in my hands as he sucked a mark on the hallow of my neck.

"Julian. Sir." He nibbled on my neck as his hands groped my ass.

"Fuck Nicolas, I want you." I bit back the moan that was climbing up my throat. He ran his hands around my waist and pulled me a top his erection.

"Oh God." I groaned as his fingers circled my cock and gave me a slow stroke from root to tip. My fingers tightened on his shoulder, more than likely they were going to leave little cresent moons there.

"I want you to want me too." He rasped in my ear before he sucked on the skin underneath my jaw.

"Julian." A quick sting spread across my left ass cheek. My eyes widened at that feeling. Fuck, it didn't feel bad but it wasn't crazy pleasurable like all those hyped up BDSM books made it out to be.

"It's Sir to you, Nicolas." He rubbed the warm spot and gave me another slow jerk on my cock.

"Sir. Fuck." His mouth captured one of my nipples and laved his tongue over the hard soldier. Tingles spread from my nipple to my groin, pumping pre-cum out of my cock.

Julian ran his free hand across my back before he inched his fingers down ass. I keened into Julian's skin as he stroked me faster. God, I don't know how I'm going to cum with the pace he's going at.

"Please." I whimpered as he drug his tongue across my chest to my other nipple and ran his finger around my rosebud.

"What do you want?" He nipped my nipple before pulling back and looking at me. He stroked harder as he ran his thumb across my tip, spreading my pre-cum more.

"I need more." I moaned into his shoulder.

"All you had to do was ask." I could feel the smirk on his face.


So...I am apologizing for the shortness of the chapter. Because obviously it super short and a giant cliffhanger. But due to the circumstances surrounding the shortness of the chapter, I apologize for it.

Tell me what you think!

80K! Screaming...legitimately!




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