Chapter 18 - Split Decisions

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^^ Julian ^^

**Julian POV**

Nicolas walked into my office, blush tainting his pale cheeks. "You have a business meeting in an hour, Mr. Tomas."

"Are you okay, Nicolas?" My eyebrows arched as his face seemed to get redder.

"I, um, I am fine, sir." I frowned as he ran from my office like a bat out of hell. I stared at the door he shut after he left. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair once again. I pushed on the top of the pen, clicking it as I thought about my options. First off, I could sit in here as a coward and let my chance roll on by. Or, I could take him by his shirt and kiss him, putting all my emotions in it.

I bit my lip, staring hard at the work phone. What if I called him in here and then kissed him? No, it gives him a chance to escape before I can tell him that I want him. That settles it, I am going to his office. I smirked and stood up, but my phone had other ideas. I groaned as I looked at it, fucking Andrew.

"What do you want?" I flopped back down in my chair.

"Good morning to you too, asshole." He laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"You know, I was busy. If you're just calling me to laugh at me, then I can hang up." I seethed at him.

"Some little birdie already told me." He cackled. I scrunched my eyebrows, I just made this decision myself. How would anyone else know?

"Who?" I frowned.

"Well He called me last night and we talked about you for what felt like years. Telling me how much he wants you, but work comes in the way. And how he loved you kiss, it made him feel wanted." Fuck, how in the hell did Nicolas get Andrew's number.

"How did he get your number?" I calmly asked.

"I gave it to him when he came back to the club the next day and was asking for submissive training." Fuck, he wanted to be apart of the scene. "He also said he wanted the best Master. Now, you better be thanking me for years to come because I told him you were."

"Fuck, I love you Andrew. You are the best. Thank you so much."

"I know, I know." He chuckled over the phone.

"I got to go though. I'll see you later." I hung up after he replied. I jumped out of my chair and threw my phone onto my desk. I took a deep breath in. I didn't want to scare Nicolas away thinking I was some raged maniac. I ran a hand through my hair, hopefully it'll look better and fixed my shirt.

I strode across my office and stepped into his. He didn't look up at me as I walked closer to him. When I was behind him, he finally looked up.

"Mr. Tomas? You needed me?" His voice was shaking, but his pale neck was reddening.

"I want you more than I need you." I whispered as he turned to face me.

"Mr. Tomas, we can't." He bit his lip and I leaned in.

"Some little birdie told me that you wanted me to. You wanted to be my sub. You wanted me to make you feel wanted. I can give you all of that. I want to give you all of that." He inhaled sharply. "I want you, Nicolas. I will wait until you want me too. But I am not a patient man."

"Julian, your job. My job. This could ruin you." His blue hazel eyes bore into me.

"Nicolas, we can figure that out later. Right now, I want to kiss you." His eyes slipped shut as I slowly slid my lips over his. I licked his bottom lip, and he opened up. I tasted the coffee he had this morning and the chocolate donuts he ate earlier.

I coaxed his tongue to come and play with mine. I felt him wrap his arms around my neck and his hands settled into my hair, pulling on the strands. I pulled him against to feel what he has done to me. God, his erection rubbed against mine and it felt like heaven between my pants. Nicolas moaned and pulled harshly on my strands. I broke away from his mouth and kissed my way down to his neck.

"Don't you dare leave any marks-" He broke off to moan as I nipped at the sensitive skin behind his ear.


Dedicated to: @zainab05 @ShannonShaShan @BlackFlagSwinger @jahviemonroe11 @submissive_lion_78 @A_Flame_In_Darkness @LifeIsTheHorse @Nanna7870 @Jonathan_Velazquez @francisarmentrout @dimitri999 @19oranges @Kevyen @Fangedwolf @alegnkat @fvxkboi @MoonAndStarsAreMe @Esslyy @GabbySwaq143 @never_know_it @White_Dragon19 @ksister1 @ijk5432 @Gurkenparty @amoose3

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Guys, 5K! I'm legit gonna die if this keeps up! My tears are going to suffocate me. I love you guys, thank you for this opportunity.

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