Chapter 42 - Our Lives

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^^ Julian^^
**Julian's POV**

Fuck. I know Nicolas needed space right now, but him l yelling at me made my inner Dom come to the surface. What the hell got to him? And saying he doesn't know me, that's a load of bullshit. I tell him what he needs to know and of I feel like telling him something in the future, then I will.

I grit my teeth as I pass by a cheeky secretary on the lower levels. Her curls bouncing behind her as she tried to flirt with me as we walked to the elevator.

"Excuse me, Miss. Your efforts to get into my pants has failed poorly, I mean it's based upon the fact that I am gay. If your tits were a little lower and had something that didn't smell like fish between your legs, then we'd be talking."

Her skin flushed and her mouth was gaping as I stepped in the elevator and shut the doors behind me.

Melanie glared at me as soon as she saw me. I frowned and continued to my office. Nicolas' desk was empty, well he wasn't there but his usual stuff was.

"He called in sick." Melanie said from behind me. "In other words, what did you do?"

"We got into a one sided argument." I turned around and faced her. "He yelled at me for not being forthcoming and telling him every last thing about myself."

"Julian, I've worked for you for over five years and I've been your friend for most of our lives. One of your major faults is that you don't put yourself fully into your relationships. You don't let yourself feel because you don't think you deserve it."

"Melanie. That's not the issue. He lashed out after I gave him a punishment, he lashed out during it really." She tapped her finger on her hip the whole time I was talking.

"Done?" She asked and I nodded. "Good because right now. Your going to go to back down the garage. Peel out of this fucking building and drive to his place. You're going to walk in and demand to talk. Not as his Dom, but as his boyfriend. Got it?" I gulped and nodded.

"Thanks, Melanie." I kissed her cheek and hustled out of the office, out of that building, and onto the road to close the distance between me and my boyfriend.

I jumped out of my car as soon as I pulled up to his apartment. I bypassed the elevator and decided to go up the stairs. I knocked on the door softly. I could hear him shuffle towards the door, his socked feet scraping against the carpet. His silent sniffles from a running nose, let me know he was crying because of me. Because I hurt him.

"What the hell do you want? To fuck me over more?" He glared up at me through his damp lashes. I cupped his cheek and wiped a stray tear off of his face.

"To talk. Like we should do, need to. Because I can't lose you, Nicolas. I love you too much." He opened the door farther and let me in.

"You can take a seat anywhere." He quickly shut the door and passed by me to move some stuff off of the couch he was on. I took the silent offer and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry." I started off. "I shouldn't of put either of us in that situation, especially because I hurt you. I'm not glad that it happened, but it opened my eyes to what you are feeling."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't of you yelled at you and stormed off like a irresponsible child. I took it too far. I know that opening up to people is hard because they'll judge. But know that I will never judge you because of your past." Nicolas looked up at me, his eyes wide with trust and love.

"When I was younger, six or seven years old, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. And she wasn't getting better.

"My dad couldn't keep up with the bills and begin to sell drugs. Eventually, the bills became too much especially when the chemo wasn't working, so he started selling himself to pimps around. Some made advances towards me, never really meaning it.

"Until I was ten or eleven, my dad was late getting home. His main pimp, Leonardo, showed up and asked to come in. Of course, I grew up with this guy who was practically my friend at one point. I had no idea that my dad left me. Left me to this guy who was going to use me for his own benefit. Leonardo raped me continuously for however long it was. Then he left.

"The authorities showed up and took me. They cleaned me up, gave me a therapist that I see twice a year now. I got a home to live in for a while, before I went to college. I inherited all of the money my mother saved up for me before she died, then I graduated top of my class from Duke."

Nicolas looked at me shock, awe, hate, love, and understanding ran across his face. His eyes were wide, his fists clenched, and his lip worried between his teeth.

"Julian. God, I love you. You have a fucked up past, but I'm so glad that you didn't let it change you. Not entirely." Nicolas let his tears fall from his eyes. "I hate what happened to you. I wish I could've saved you. I want to murder that man, that rapist."

"Nicolas, it's okay." I pulled him to me. His body shaking as sobs left him. "Leonardo, he's been dead. He died when one of the prisoners found out what he had done." He sniffled against my shoulder. "I love you. Today, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives."


Firstly, I have to apologize (again) for being a week late. I had a very hectic week. Graduation, visitors, and a whole lot of sickness.

Secondly, 100K! I literally cried (happy tears) as soon as I saw it. Honestly, I don't deserve you guys.

Thirdly, this wasn't a happy, fluff filled chapter. It wasn't supposed to be. But it wasn't a filler either.

So...tell me what you think!




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