Chapter 20 - Happy Together

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^^ Julian ^^

**Julian POV**

No it's not a Halloween Special, but I decided to update on Halloween because of @amoose3! Anywho, Happy Halloween!


I rang the doorbell in front of me and waited. The grip I had on the flowers, that Beau told me not to get under any circumstances, was white knuckled. I wanted to check my watch again, but I knew that waiting for a minute to tick by was ridiculous. I shifted in my spot when I heard the door unlock and then he opened it.

"Um, hey. What are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?" He frowned and looked at the flowers. "Those are for me?" I shoved them in his hands. "Thanks."

"Beau gave me your address. I didn't want to feel like a total creep and look through your file. And I figured we could go on a date." I shrugged and he looked at me, eyebrow cocked.

"Are you asking me out or are you demanding me to go?" He leaned against the door way and pulled the door closer to him.

"I'm asking right now, but if you want me to demand you to come, I can." He rolled his eyes and opened the door.

"Relax in the living room while I get ready for my date." I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my lips as I followed him inside. He shut the door behind us and then lead me to the living room.

"I'll be in my room getting ready. Before you can ask, no you cannot watch or help me get dressed or showered." I arched an eyebrow at him.

"You think I'm going to take advantage of you, when all I want right now is to sit on your sofa and relax. Is that okay?" He looked taken back at what I ha said. Well, that's what he gets for thinking I'm going to be one of those playboys from his past. I don't see him as a sex toy or a slave, but as a sub, my sub. And subs deserve to be worshipped, not used and abused.

"Um, yeah. That's fine. Great, actually." He smiled and his shoulders relaxed. "I won't be long, so you won't have to wait forever." I turned and sat on his sofa.

"Take as long as you like. The wall and I will become friends while I wait." Nicolas smiled and headed for what I assume was his bedroom.

Twenty minutes later, Nicolas stepped out of his bedroom. His hair was still wet and it was pulled up in a bun. He was dressed casually and He was shifting uncomfortably.

"Are you alright?" He nodded and looked at the clock on the far wall. I narrowed my eyes on him and stood. "I'm going to ask again and this time you aren't going to lie. Are you alright?" Nicolas tensed up as his eyes roamed my frame.

"Beau and Kilian said that they were going to be here. They haven't shown up yet." He looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine as water glistened in them.

"I called Beau and told him that I was taking you out tonight when I asked for your address." Nicolas frowned and nodded.

"I'm surprised he did that. He generally doesn't like anybody that wants to go out with me." I laughed and his eyes widened.

"I'm not just anyone, Nicolas." His frowned deepened.

"You should've been a comedian, not a business man."


Dedicated to:

@amoose3 @myrian23 @_Chata_ @sweetspicekillers @lhoggan @DarkieUshie @_comet_14 @ValWolfLea @Sernity-ChanSlays @shrineesafrancisco @ForgiveMeForMySins @ksister1 @GabbySwaq143 @shanpinkytickle @BlackFlagSwinger @Yaoi2011 @19oranges @tunalicious @FangedWolf @MadisonMcghee3 @Booksandcoffeeluvr @never_know_it @MoonAndStarsAreMe @dimitri999 @LifeIsTheHorse @sweetbeing @Rainbow_unicorn_m25 @laponi07 @rain841 @White_Dragon19 @fvxkboi @niepoprawneslowa @Esslyy @llEganll @hiddenheartprincess @Liam_b19

Thank you guys for reading, voting, commenting, following, and and His you libraries!

8.4K, guys I wouldn't be here without you. (Well I would be, but you know what I mean.) I love you guys. 

So tell me what you thought!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Hope you guys have fun and be safe!




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