Chapter 9 - Why Me

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

Oh God. Why tonight of all nights did I have to see my boss at a gay BDSM club. What's worse is the flirty looks his friend is sending me. My comfortability levels were quickly diminishing and I wanted to run. Going home seemed fun right now. Especially since I could feel Mr. Tomas' eyes on me, staring at the side of my head. In which I refused to look up or in his direction. My eyes briefly met Kilian's and he quirked an eyebrow at me. I shook my head and motioned to Mr. Tomas with my eyes. Of course, Kilian glanced at him immediately and pretty much my life was screwed over.

"Nicolas, you're unusually quiet." Beau muttered as he turned to look at us. I blushed and shrugged. "Are you okay?" I bit my lip and rolled my eyes at his actions.

"I'll tell you later, 'kay?"His lips flattened out and he nodded curtly. I looked away from his eyes, God that look hurt. I wasn't ever on the receiving end of his glares, but today seemed like the day I'd end up with it.

"Beau, please. Nicolas isn't used to our lifestyle yet." Kilian pleaded with him. Beau sighed and ran a hand through Kilian's hair.

"Let's go. Thanks Andrew." Master Dom Andrew, Kilian told me that he was the Dom's Master. That he punishes the unruly Dom's who somehow pass through security checks.

"Anytime, Beau." Andrew looked me up and down once again before turning to Mr. Tomas. Mr. Tomas smiled at me quickly before starting a conversation with Andrew.

Was he trying to mess with my emotions? Is he bi-polar? Why is he affecting me like this? God, I sound like a whiny bitch. This isn't me and I shouldn't care what he does. He's just my boss and I'm his employee. Nothing will change that. And tonight, I was going to enjoy with my two best friends. I'm not going to worry about him or his flirty best friend.

"Kilian, you can take Nicolas to the sub locker room to get ready. I'll be in the playroom when you guys are done." Beau told us before he walked away. Kilian sighed and lead me to the locker room.

"This is where uncollared subs and Dom's subs who don't have playrooms here get ready, mostly.  Sometimes I come in here just to talk and get ready." He opened a locker on the far left of the room and pulled out some clothes. "I think you should get dressed in this. Especially with the way Master Julian and Master Andrew were looking at you." 

"Master Julian, you mean Mr. Tomas, my boss." Kilian's eyes widened. "And I don't like the way Master Andrew was looking at me, like I was a whore he'd throw out when he was done with them." Kilian blushed and bit his lip.

"You better be glad Master Andrew isn't in here or your ass would be a nice shade of red." Some one said behind me. I turned and arched my eyebrows. "My name is Elijah Flinn."

~(Elijah Flinn)~

~(Elijah Flinn)~

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"Nicolas King. You know, you're pretty tall for a sub. Then again, I've only seen shorties." Elijah laughs and Kilian slaps my shoulder.

"You're the first sub to ever say that to my face." Kilian looks shocked, but he quickly snaps himself out of it.

"I'm so sorry, Elijah. My friend here, has no filter and he can come off as rude but he doesn't mean to be." I frown at him and glance at Elijah.

"Kilian, it's alright. I'm not going to tattle or go crying to Master Andrew. I'm not that desperate for his attention." Elijah rolls his eyes and scoffs.

 "You want Master Andrew's attention? He seems to give it out enough." Kilian slaps my shoulder again, harder this time. Elijah looked hurt, but he quickly masked his emotions.

"He's a whore, we all know it. He likes it that way and none of us have the right to judge him." Elijah defended Andrew, but he also defended his emotions toward the cold bastard.

"Don't worry. One day, he'll find what he's been looking for right under his nose." Kilian nods his head vigorously at my words. 

"Really?" Elijah bit his lip and blushed.

"Yeah." I scratched the back of my neck and smiled at him. "You never know what'll happen." He attacks me in a hug and his wet skin rubs against my clothes.

"Even though you're an ass, I'm sure this relationship will work out." I arch my eyebrow and look at Kilian.

"What relationship?" Oh God, He doesn't want me to be his Dom or something. I know, I look totally dominating, not. I love to bottom and I'll never grow tired of it.

"This blossoming friendship we have." 

"Oh thank God, I thought you were talking about something else. 'Cause, I'll tell you right now. I don't top, I don't like to. And I don't think you're a top either." Elijah burst out laughing and Kilian joined in. Tears coming to both of their eyes for laughing to hard.


Dedicated to @Kevyen @Demons100 @fvxkboi @TeresaCoetzee @Nanna7870  

Tell me what you guys think. (OML @fvxkboi cracked me up with his comment, legit best thing ever.)

Thank you guys for reading, commenting, and voting! I love all the support you guys give me and I love y'all.




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