Chapter 26 - Special Relationship

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^^ Julian ^^

**Julian POV**

The words exited my mouth before I was able to stop them. Nicolas blinked his eyes up at me innocently before he caught onto what I had said.

"Uh?" Nicolas licked his lips nervously. I gulped as I put my cock back into my pants.

"I'm sorry for saying that. I understand that you might not be ready for that stage in our relationship. Hell, you might not ever be ready for it." Nicolas nervously rubbed his thighs.

"You don't have be sorry. It's okay. I want to be at that stage. I just don't think I am ready for that." I smirked down at him as the blush on his cheeks ran down his long, pale neck.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that, baby." Nicolas bit his lips before shifting on his knees. God, he looked good on his knees. I want him to be there all the time, sucking my dick or just sitting there.

I swallowed a groan and gazed lustfully at my boyfriend. I never thought I would say that word, maybe sub, but boyfriend is on a different level.

Nicolas stood up and rubbed at his knees, they were probably sore. God, I was such a bad boyfriend for not helping him out. He cleared his throat when he stood up fully.

"I am-uh, going to go and-uh, finish my work. My boss wouldn't be to happy if I didn't." I chuckled and stood up.

"Maybe I should go and talk to him. I could convince him to give you a break." I pulled him close to me by his elbows before I pressed my mouth onto his and gave him chaste kiss. He smiled and laughed at me.

"Maybe you should. I might get a raise if you are persuasive enough." Nicolas pressed his lips back onto mine before pulling away. "But I really should get to work."

"I'll see you later." I smirked at him and he blushed prettily before walking out of the room.


Dedicated to:

@Live-for-me @EmileeCoughlin @ramdagadam @Lovers2824 @SharaGRE @ProjectNova @28Emma22 @ReignyRainBoy @AshleyFerguson01 @VenusFlyTrapWriter @jercox14 @chiki_ruki @ImaginationEnigma @laughtercandidate @PotentiallyVintageux @TanyaDreden @awkwardfxk @Vista1999 @yaoigod666 @Ahowelllester @Ranazcurry @middlegc01 @middlegc01 @loving-reader @loving-reader @-ThePinkPrince- @crazyunicorn11355 @collegedance

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SUPER SHORT! I know, I'm gonna give ya'll something uber special because OML 20K! I'm so happy. I love you guys so freaking much!

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