Chapter 14 - Getting Ahead

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^^ Julian (That booty) ^^

**Julian POV**


Nicolas left. I sighed and sat back in my seat Maybe it was for the best, I mean I am his boss. This wasn't exactly illegal, but there were chances for liability if we were to separate were high. I wasn't going to try to risk it right now. And not only that, there'd be so much shit on his plate from the press and co-workers if we did get together.

I ran a hand through my hair. God, just thinking about this gave me a headache. Why couldn't I pick him up here? That'd be so much easier, but that's my life for you.

"He'll come back, running back. He likes you, I can tell." Andrew pats my shoulder before standing and motioning for the sub of the night to follow him. I shift in my seat and watch as Beau and Kilian leave to their playroom. I frown as subs grind against each other to get my attention, but none of them make me want them. I scratch the back of my neck before running my gaze around the subs on the dance floor, at least one of them has to be somewhat attractive. Somehow compatible.

I bit my lip as a short, blonde sauntered his way over to me. He was bold, and I liked that. "Whatcha doing over here all by yourself, Master Tomas?" He stood in front of me for a second before sinking to his knees.

"Waiting on a beautiful sub. Do you want to be my sub?" I arch my eyebrow as he shuffles closer to me.

"Oh, yes sir. Thank you, sir." He smiled up at me. God, he was eager. What did I do to deserve that kind of attention?

"Here." I put a pillow on the floor for his knees. It's not comfortable to sit on hardwood floor on your knees. He thanked me again and settled onto the pillow. I ran a hand through his hair and he sighed in relief.

"Did you enjoy tonight's scene?" He nodded against my thigh.

"Ice play is my favorite scene. Wax play a close second." I smirked and tugged lightly at the curly strands in his hair.

"Maybe when we go to my playroom, I'll tie you up and blindfold you. Leaving all your senses to me and when your about to cum, I'm gonna fuck you. Fuck you hard and good, might let you cum a second time." I felt him tremble as I husk the words to him. His lust filled eyes ran up my form before locking onto my own. "Would you like that?"

"So much, sir." The sub licked his lips before biting them. I sat forward and spread my legs a little farther apart. I ran my hand through his hair and pulled at the nape of his neck. He easily offered up in neck in submission.

"What's your name?" God, I hope I remembered or didn't call out Nicolas' name. That'd be a thrill.

"Felix." He let out a low moan as I ran my short nails down the back of his neck.



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