Chapter 37 - I'm Falling

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^^ Nicolas ^^
**Nicolas POV**

Julian smirked at me when I limped my way into his office to tell him about his neetings. The scowl that rose to my face was barely repressed because I couldn't wait for tonight. Of course we were going to the club again, but it wasn't to watch a scene. We were going to train.

I couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach when I thought about our training session. I couldn't wait, but the nerves were starting to get to me. I know that nothing should go wrong, but wha th if I'm not a good sub and he leaves me?

"Hey. Stop whatever you're thinking of because it's not true." Julian leaned his hip against my desk, pushing the manila folders at an angle.

"B-but sir." I gaped at him as he walked over to me and crouched in front of my chair.

"You'll be a great sub because," he gulped and rubbed the back of his neck, "you're a great boyfriend, Nicolas. Don't let self-doubt ruin tonight." I nodded slowly, letting what he said soak in.

"God, Julian." I whispered softly. "I think you intentionally say these things to make me fall hard."

"Nah." He smirked at me. "If I wanted to do that, I'd throw you into subspace so much, you wouldn't know the difference between reality and the world of pleasure you'd be stuck in." I inhaled, loudly.

"I definitely can't wait for tonight then." I licked my lips, slowly on purpose. He stood up, practically forcing my eyes onto his growing erection in his pants.

"Can't wait to spank that ass for all the teasing you're doing." A spike of desire shot through me at that idea. Fuck, I'm weird.

A evil look spread on his face when I didn't respond to him. "Fuck, I bet you'd like that. You'd probably get off to that, wouldn't you? You're such a maschoist." He chuckled lowly. "I definitely can't wait to have you tied up while I teach you tonight."

I gulp, my throat felt dry at the images that were conjuring in my head. All of them were explicit and we're definitely not helping my situation any.

"Oh God." I jumped in fright at Melanie's voice as she stood staring at us.

"Melanie." Julian's face looked frustrated and I assumed that he didn't want to be interrupted.

"Hey, I didn't walk in on you two fucking. So that's okay, I guess." She shrugged her petite shoulders. "Anyway, I had some paperwork for Mr. King here to file." She handed me a giant stack of paperclipped documents from months ago that should've been taken care of already.

"You did your job, now get out." My eyes fond Julian's and I gulped. Julian growled at her, never breaking eye contact with me. God, that terrifying, sexy but terrifying.

"I'm going, I'm going. Shesh. Wait until I'm out of the room before you guys eye fuck each other." She practically slammed the door shut behind her, as Julian found a small spot on my desk to sit on.

"Maybe we should freak her out on day and fuck in every room on this level. Suprise the secretaries and the servent's, forcing them to watch us fuck every surface."


So this chapter 37! I decided that it would be easier to update biweekly instead of weekly. It gives you guys longer chapters and gives more time to think about the chapter, instead of mushy, short, and cringey.

Over guys, ilysm!

Tell me what you think.




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