Chapter 36 - All Night

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^^ Julian ^^
**Julian POV**

Nicolas looked at me with a blissed out expression on his face, "I think I'm falling for you." Fuck. I looked at him wide eyed and gulped hard.

I didn't want to be cliché and say it back to him. Or be one of those super sappy men that confess everything before admitting that they love their spouse. "I know I'm falling for you, Nicolas."

My lips briefly touched his bruised lips before he gripped the back of my head and pulled me on top of him.

"God, I want you to meet my family. Actually just my sister, but still." He whispered into my neck as I held him.

I chuckled into his hair, "I would be honored." I felt his smile brush across the skin of my neck.

"Should be. You're the first man I've brought home." I sat up, resting my elbows next to his head.

"That makes me happy. So happy." I brushed the strand of hair that was in his face behind his ear, earning his beautiful blush in return.

"You sound so creepy." He whispered, running his hands across my chest. I couldn't help but to smirk down at him.

"You made me into a creep." He hands ran over my shoulders as he sat up . He pushed his lips onto mine. Sparking a rush of emotions through me, making me press my lips harder against his.

"God, Julian." He moaned lowly into my ear as I sucked on his neck, making the mark there darker and more prominent.

"I love it when you moan my name like that. Like you can't survive without my touch." I nipped at his nipple, forcing his hips to jerk and rub against mine. Making his hard cock brush against mine, which resulted in a low whimper escaping Nicolas' mouth.

"Please. I don't think I can. God, I think I'm out of cum." Nicolas shook as I teased his nipples with my lips. "It's to sensitive. Fuck." I pulled away from his chest and kissed the fuck out if him, plunging my tongue into his mouth.

"I didn't start it," I smirked at him, "you did." He playfully glared at me and I rolled off of him.


Dedicated to:

The sappy readers...

for reading, voting, commenting, and adding HIS to their libraries!

64K! Omw! 36K away from 100K....I'm so happy and excited!

Question for my dear readers:
Do you like it when I updated every week with shorter chapters?
Or when I update every other week with longer chapter?

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