Chapter 30 - New Years

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^^ Julian ^^
**Julian POV**

Nicolas was subtly rubbing himself on me, my cock pressed against his ass cheeks. A low groan was working it's way up my throat. Between the show and Nicolas' beautiful ass, I was ready to take my boy.

"Julian." I look up at my boy. His pupils were blown wide due to lust and his cheeks were red like always.

"Yes?" Nicolas ground on my cock harder. I smirked T him as I ran one of my hands over his clothed thigh.

"Can-can you make me cum?" He bit his lip, is fingers playing with his shirt.

"I can. Do you want me to?" I whispered in his ear before I nibbled on his earlobe.

"Yes. Please." He groaned and shifted his hips to meet my hand that was sliding up his leg.

"Such a naughty boy. Wanting me to make you cum in front of all of these people. I bet this'll knock your rocks." I slowly unzip his pants. His eyes were watching my hand and I was transfixed on the look on his face.

"Watch them. Look at how his paints his boys ass red. You want that, don't you? You want to be the sub on stage. The center of all of our attentions." Nicolas numbly nodded as I unbottuned his pants. He lifted his hips up, so I could pull them off.

"You want me to fuck you like that. Face down, ass up, hmmm." Precum was spilling out of Nicolas' cock. I gave his tip a teasing rub. He moaned quietly before the sound was cut off.

"Oh no, sweetheart. I want to hear your pretty noises." I ran a finger the the length of his cock, down to his balls. I gave them a quick squeeze before wrapping my hand around his cock.

"God, Julian." He threw his head back and panted in my ear. I stroked his cock at a slow pace.

"Keep your eyes on the scene, Nicolas. I want you to imagine that it is you getting fucked up there. You ass is the one getting pounded and I'm the one fucking it." His hips stuttered in their grinding while a whine left Nicolas' lips.

"I can't, sir. Fuck, I can't keep my eyes on them. I wanna watch you." I smirked and shoved my face into his neck. I nipped and sucked on it, my pace on his cock getting faster and harder.

"I don't think I'm going to last." I felt him gulp against my lips. I quickened my pace. "Fuck. I'm-I'm cumming." Nicolas' arched his back as his cum slatted on my hand and on his black t-shirt. I brought my hand to my lips and licked him off my skin.

"Oh God, that is hot." Nicolas muttered. I smirked at him and found one of the many washcloths on the table that was used for moments like this. I cleaned his soft cock off and gently pulled his underwear and pants back up.

"Happy New Years, Nicolas." I smiled at his blissed out expression.

"Happy New Years, Julian." Nicolas cupped my cheek and kissed my mouth tenderly.


Dedicated to:

@kyleanrosmarie @JackyVincent6 @shanlove24 @-Larrehh- @Bellabella87 @boo-Berry-1234 @amoose3 @Nikki18_ @BlackFlagSwinger @green_skies @wolfieeatspie

For reading, voting,commenting, and adding HIS to their libraries!

Happy New Years everyone! 2016 was long, but 2017 approaches!

30K! Gah, I'm so excited and happy about this!

Tell me what you think!




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