Chapter 8 - Strange Meetings

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^^ Julian (I know :( he needs to keep the beard) ^^

**Julian POV**

I needed to relax tonight and let some steam off, so of course I'd hit the club again. My best friend Andrew, also known as the Master Dom of Ecstacy, would "try" to help my situation. And by "try" I mean he'll tell me to fuck him and if I like him, keep him. Then again, he's single and isn't ready to mingle, ever. He thinks relationships suck, except for the one he has with his club. But that's for another story.

~(Master Dom Andrew)~

I ran my hand through my hair for what felt like the millionth time today

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I ran my hand through my hair for what felt like the millionth time today. Andrew looked over at me and then at a couple of subs that were eye-balling me. Generally, it's the other way around, but lately my mind is full of my employee with an ass that just begs to be fucked. God.

"You okay, Julian?" Andrew arches an eyebrow at me as a couple more subs pass by with flirty looks.

"Yeah." I pinch the bridge of my nose and clench my eyes shut.

"Sure, you are. At least twelve twinks have passed you by and you haven't looked at one of them. So, tell me what's wrong." His dominance seeped into my skin and made me cringe. God, I hate when he orders me around.

"Not here. It's personal." He motioned for me to get up.

"Let's go to my office to talk about it." I sighed and scrubbed the heel of my palms against my eyes.

"Fine." He got up and walked in front of me to his office. We stepped into the office and he immediately headed for his desk and sat down in his leather office chair. I glanced at the wooden bench in front his desk and back at him. I made my way over to his desk and perched on the edge of it.

"What's up with you?" He stares at me and I quirk an eyebrow.

"There's someone on my mind right now." Being vague never worked before with Andrew, I don't know why I still try to be.

"Try again." He taps his fingertips against the wooden desk top.

"I hired a new personal assistant after Victoria left, you know. It just happened that he turned out to have an amazing ass and a sassy attitude." Andrew smirks at me and motions for me to continue. "Sometimes though, he's shy. Yet, his eyes give away the emotions he's really feeling."

"So does this man have a name?" I smiled at Andrew.

"Nicolas King." Andrew rolled his eyes at my grin and pushed away from the desk.

"I thought you'd never stop fucking twinks left and right." I scoffed and looked at him.

"Says the one who always tells me to just stick my dick in them and if I like the sex, keep them." Andrew huffs and looks at the door. I follow his gaze to find a security guard about to knock. The guy waits for the okay and then steps in.

"Sir, Master Beau, his submissive, and his guest are having an issue at the front desk." The security guy leaves as soon as Andrew stands.

"Another day in the life of the club." I follow Andrew to the front desk. The crowd parting like the Red Sea as we walk through the first club level. Sure, a couple people grabbed my ass as I passed on the second, I noticed Andrew getting the same attention from a couple of drunken girls.

"Why did you even consider having two dance club levels? The girls here don't know I'm a Dom that'll spank their asses if they grab mine one more time." I growled out and Andrew laughed at my situation as girls tried grind on me as I walked. Desperate whores.

"Why follow me then?" Of course he'd love the attention. He strives for it.

Finally, we make it to the desk and Beau is red in the face from anger as his sub grips his bicep.

"What the hell do you mean Master Andrew doesn't have my guest on the list tonight?" His deep voice rose in pitch due to his anger.

"Beau, stop you're making a scene." His sub Kilian looks up at his Dom with pleading eyes then looks back at their guest, who is hidden behind Beau.

"Master Beau, Kilian. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, it's all my fault." Andrew stops in front of them and holds out his hand. Beau shakes it and physically clams down.

"I'm sorry babe. I apologize Nicolas." Beau looks at his sub and at his guest. His guest that's my employee.

"It's alright, Master." Kilian smiled gratefully at him.

"It's cool." Nicolas rubbed his arm as he glanced around the room. His eyes finally land on me and they widen.

"Ashlee, get a bracelet for their guest and have the bartenders know that their drinks are on the house tonight." Andrew flashed a smile at Nicolas while Nicolas blushed and looked up at me from underneath his lashes. I felt my cock harden and my breath seize up in my chest. Shit, this is going bad fast.


Dedicated to @Booksandcoffeluvr @jrz_vl @Kevyen for following, reading, voting, and adding this to their lists!

HEY guys! I realized the model I had on the book cover before was Chris Ladewig and not Tomas Skolodik, oops :( But I fixed it :)

Thank you for the reads and votes! They are awesome! I love you guys!

Tell me what you guys think so far.




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