Chapter 7 - Unknown Desires

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

Stress from the previous day's work rolled off of me when I stepped into the shower that night. Yet this morning, the tension was back, but not for the same reasons. Tonight was the night where I went out clubbing with my best friends. I know, it's supposed to be relaxing and all that jazz. But Beau and Kilian had told me that they need to tell me something important, something that deals with them and the club.

I got off the sofa, my body protesting the change. Looking up at the clock on the wall and noticing it was a little after seven, got me off my ass and into the shower. Stepping out of the shower with steam billowing behind me, sounded so pleasing right now. I stripped haphazardly, clothes landing everywhere in my room as I made my way to the bathroom. I turned the water on, stepped into cold water that slowly heated up, and washed myself.

After getting out of the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. Good God, I needed to shave. The 5 o'clock shadow that seemed so sexy on some men, definitely didn't on mine. It was patchy and my chin hairs were always straggly and there was far and few in between. I picked up my shaving cream and got to business.

I walked out of the bathroom, refreshed and clean. I rubbed the towel on my head to dry my hair before I blow dry it. I ambled over to my closet and looked at the choices I have. Red v-neck, blue t-shirt, grey over-sized shirt, or white button-up. I picked the grey one and pulled out my black skinny jeans that supposedly cups my ass nicely, well that's what Beau says. I looked between my white Chuck Taylor's and my boots, I'll let Kilian decide on that though. I threw the towel on my head into the laundry basket in the corner and peeled the towel on my hips off me so it could follow it's friend.

I dressed and looked at my outfit in the full length mirror. I look sexy, I'd say. Which is a lot considering I have zero fashion sense and I generally look like a mess. I ran a hand threw my semi wet hair and sauntered back into the bathroom. I got my hair dryer out and plugged it in, setting it on low so I don't get frizz.

After that was done, I walked to the living room and sat my ass onto the sofa once again. I looked at the clock on the wall, eight-seventeen. What am I going to do for at least another thirty minutes. I know what you're thinking, early clubbing? Wrong, the club is on the complete other side of the city and the fact it's a Saturday night means there is going to be people wanting to go out and party even more than I do. Plus, there's the whole conversation with Kilian and Beau.

I turn on the TV and watch the Weather Channel, exciting. It wasn't long, at least I thought it wasn't, until there was loud knocking on the door and Kilian complain to Beau about it being rude.

I walk over and open the door to see Kilian in short black leather shorts, a fish net top, boots, and a collar? My eyes widen and Kilian scratches the back of his head, a blush forming on his cheeks. I shake myself out of my thoughts and open the door to invite them in.

"Hey, Nicolas." He gives me a small smile and rushes past me. Beau stops with an arched eyebrow.

"Not going to stare at me, Nicolas?" Beau's lips held an upturned smirk on them. He cocked out his hips and laid his hands on them. I looked at his skin tight leather pants, a white t-shirt, and boots.

"Feel better?" He laughed and strode inside. I shut the door behind him, followed them into the living room, and turned off the TV.

"Well, what is this conversation about?" I sat on the white armchair next to the sofa.

"The club we're going to go to," Kilian looks a Beau to continue, "is a BDSM club." I sit back in the chair and look at them. How could I not see that coming? Look at what they are wearing. I've seen and read enough porn to know who's the submissive and who's the Dominant.

"So, you guys must be into that kind of stuff." Beau arches his eyebrow.

"Obviously, or we wouldn't be dressed like this." Kilian glares at Beau and softens his gaze when he looks back at me.

"Nicolas, it isn't as bad as you think. We've actually been thinking about taking to you this club since, you know who, but we were - I was scared that you would reject us." I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair.

"You know I wouldn't have done that. I might have been a scared, angry, and confused like I am now, but I would never reject you." Beau laid his hand on Kilian's shoulder and ran it down to his wrist.

"Nicolas, if you don't want to go, you don't have to." Beau's gaze made me gulp. God, he seemed so dominant and powerful, what happened to the joking and playful person he is.

"I want to, I do. If this is something you guys like, I want to see it. Maybe I'll like it." Beau nodded his head and Kilian beamed.

"That's amazing, I'm sure you'd make a great sub for a lot of the Dom's there. And oh my God, speaking of Dom's, there are so many hot ones. Like H.A.W.T. hot." Kilian stopped his excited chatter and looked over at Beau. "Of course I got the hottest one though."

"Really? I was hoping you guys would be less gross." Beau humphed and Kilian scoffed.


Dedicated to @jazzyj55 @awpatootie @LifeIsTheHorse @amoose3 ! Thank you guys for reading and voting as this story develops.

I am so sorry for the wait guys :( I wasn't at home, so obviously I didn't update. Don't think I don't love you guys cause, I do. Y'all have made my life with all the votes, comments, and reads!

So tell me what you guy's think!




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