Chapter 38 - I'm here

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^^ Julian ^^
**Julian POV**

Nicolas stood awkwardly in the center of my playroom. His eyes never staying in one spot too long. I watched him gulp at the sight of the more sadistic looking toys.

"Have you used all of these?" His eyes briefly met mine before he walked over the St. Andrew's Cross and ran his hand down the wood.

"Depends on the sub. Some are more of a machoist than others." He bit his bottom lip as he came to stand in front of me.

"Well I definitely don't think I want those," He gestured to the wall holding canes, "to even come near me."

"Anything else?" His eyes flew over to me.

"Cock and ball torture is not my thing either. Probably won't ever be." I chuckled softly.

"I like your pretty little cock too much to ruin it." The pink rushed to his cheeks, the adorable blush I was waiting for.

"I think that's it. Well, for the 'toys' you want to use on my body." He licked his lips and I wanted to devour him right then and right there. But we were training. And we could build up the tension and then fuck our brains out after.

"Strip. If you feel uncomfortable, you can stay in your boxers." My voice lowered a few octaves, taking on my Dom voice as I got into that set of mind. "In this room, you can call me Sir or Master. Do you understand, Nicolas?"

"Yes, Sir." Nicolas stripped quickly, he clothes in a pile beside him.

"Whenever we come onto the playroom, I want you to strip immediately and for you to fold your clothes. Understand?" Nicolas nodded his head. "Verbal answers are needed in this room, Nicolas. So I'm going to ask again, understand?"

"Yes, Sir." He bit his lip, his eyes never reaching mine.

"Good boy." I ran my hand through his hair, pulling the strands a little harsh.

"Now, after you've folded your clothes, I want you to get into a kneeling position. Hands flat on your thighs, head downcast, and your back straight. Please demostrate, so I know you understand."

Nicolas landed on his knees hard, the sound richocheting off the walls. "Not so hard, I don't bruises on your beautiful body unless I give them to you."

"Yes, Sir." Nicolas stood again and softly landed on his knees this time. He bent his head down and his hands laid on his thighs, open and displaying his nerves. His back muscles were tense and coiled.

"Take a deep breath in and relax, Nicolas. Don't let your nerves get to you." I saw him visibly relax at my words.

"Sorry, Sir." He bent his head farther down.

"There's no reason to apologize, Nicolas. You did nothing wrong."

"I ruined it though, Sir." He swallowed hard, his voice hushed.

"Ruined what?" I asked softly, bending down beside him. Resting one of my hands on his shoulder,b the other one tipped his chin up so I could look him in his glistening eyes.

"Training, Sir." He whispered as a stray tear rolled down his cheek.

"You made a mistake, I am not going to be angry at you for it. Everyone makes mistakes at some point in time." I brushed his tears away and kissed his pouted lips softly.

"Can I try again, Sir?" He looked up at me, hope shining in his eyes.

"Of course."


So...the mushy, romanctic stuff happened...sorry. I couldn't help it.

Tell me what y'all think...please.




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