Chapter 4 - Casual Greetings

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^^ Julian ^^

** Julian POV **

It's been a week since Nicolas' interview, and honestly it felt like it took forever. Meetings and countless subs trowing themselves at me, were the main parts of my days. 

"Melaine, I'm leaving so don't forget to lock up." She smirks at me.

"What do you have that someone else would want." I cock an eyebrow.

"More than you'd could ever imagine." She scoffs and turns back to writing the meeting down in my schedule tomorrow. Tomorrow, when Mr. Nicolas King would be my personal assistant. 

"Goodbye Mr. Tomas." I give her a short wave before stepping onto the elevator. 



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~(Petunia and Amos)~

~(Petunia and Amos)~

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I shut the door to my Escalade, with my suit jacket half way unbuttoned, where as my tie was just hanging around my neck

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I shut the door to my Escalade, with my suit jacket half way unbuttoned, where as my tie was just hanging around my neck. The door slammed shut behind me when I stepped into my house. I walked into the kitchen to find Petunia making dinner. 

"Mr. Tomas, standing in the archway being quiet, does not mean I do not know that you are there." I chuckled and strode up to her.

"I didn't want to be rude. Now, how about you and Amos have dinner together. I'm going to the club so you guys shouldn't have any distractions for the night." I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"Mr. Tomas, now I know I am not a spring chicken, so you're distractions and Amos distractions will be none of my concern, dear." She humphed and continued to cut a potato. 

"See you later, Petunia." I chuckle as Amos walks into the kitchen. He quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Have fun tonight, Mr. Tomas." Petunia waves me off and Amos smirks at me.

"I plan on it." I walk out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room. I look at the blank walls and at the made California King bed. I sigh and run a hand through my hair. Well, I guess it's time for a shower. The nasty feeling of my hair being greasy gets to me after awhile and I just can't deal with it. I strip out of my suit and put them into the hamper. I step into the bathroom and walk to the shower. I turn on the water at the perfect temperature. I look as the water falls from the ceiling, just what I wanted too.

I clean every inch of my body and shampoo my hair twice. I know as soon as I get to the club the curls were going to come out, but that doesn't mean that I want them spring out everywhere. 

I step out of the shower and reach for the heated towel rack. I dried myself off and pulled a smaller towel off the rack to dry my hair with. I cringed at the lingering water droplets that decided to be rebellious today and create new water lines. I put back both towels on the rack and are currently drying. I look at my hair in the mirror and pull at one of the curls that poked me in the eye. I sighed and pulled the bottle of gel from in the cupboard onto the counter. Before I gelled my hair, I need to get dressed. I grabbed a white t-shirt, black jeans, and some boots from the walk-in closet. 

I stepped back into bathroom and pointed at the hair on my head. It was going to co-operate tonight. I needed a nice twink to fuck, since I was going to be around Nicolas King from seven AM to seven PM from tomorrow onward. And because he's an employee, I'm not going to fuck him. Not even how delectable he looks. The fact I want to spank his ass until it's red and his cock is weeping, doesn't help the situation any.

Oh god, now all I can think about is me pounding into his tight ass. Him taking me to the hilt. I squeezed my cock through my pants. There wasn't time to think about that. I needed to get ready for the club. It's at least thirty minute drive to get there, not counting traffic or the club that seems to be always packed.

I put some gel into my hands and run my fingers through my hair. I wash my hands quickly before I pull out a comb and comb my hair back from my face. I look at myself in the mirror quickly, noticing how tired I looked, but I needed to fuck someone.

I walked downstairs and picked up my keys from the table next to the stairs. I strut out of the house and click the unlock button to my baby. My Escalade chirps back at me and I get into the beautiful leather-seated vehicle. Quietly playing in the background Tom Odell, I know most people assume I am an uptight no music or just straight up oprah music. Don't get me wrong, I love Oprah music, but I can listen to most everything. Sometimes scremo is a little much, but I can deal sometimes. 

I drive onto the highway and I hope I get my ass to the club on time. I needed this fuck, so I could rid these thoughts of Mr. Nicolas King.


Dedicated to @submissive_lion_78 for voting! ilysm!

Oh my gosh guys, I love you so much. So many reads, I literally cried. I know 241 reads isn't a lot, but it's better than 0! Yeah, I know! I was so surprised when I came back from my trip and this was here! /(*O*)\ Like I'm so happy right now.

Tell me what you guys think! Look at Mr. Tomas, hiding his feelings....mhm...and that gif is legit the 2nd best thing ever.



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