Chapter 22 - Taking Chances

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^^ Julian (how freaking H.A.W.T.) ^^

**Julian POV**

Nicolas begged me to stay over and I couldn't resist his pout. I put my barriers up when he was going to have me sleep in his bed. I know, we switched around a little, but I don't want him to feel pressured in this relationship. Even tough I just had his cock down my throat, doesn't mean I'm ready to 'fuck his brains out' as Andrew had said. I offered to sleep on the sofa because there was no reason for him to move out of his room just for me. But he wanted to argue about it, until he conceded when I mentioned what Andrew had said.  He blushed from his hair down to his neck at the crude words.

"You can't just say that." He pouted at me and frowned.

"But I did." I smirked at him and he got even more red.

"Why do I even remotely like you?" He asked himself while looking up at the ceiling.

"Because I am handsome, sharp-witted, funny, a good guy who just got on his knees for you."  I put a finger up with each description. He laughed at that and I couldn't help but join in.

"I don't know about all of that." He smirked at me.

"You want me to show you, again?" He shook his head no.

"As fun as that sounds, I actually am tired. And I should get to bed, I don't want to be late for my boss tomorrow. We have a packed day." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Come 'ere." I cocked my finger out and motioned him to me. He stopped in front of me, his eyes on mine. I placed a hand on the back of his neck before I pulled him close and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. There wasn't a need for frantic tongue battles or passionate open mouthed kissing. This was a time for slow and steady because I hoped that is what would win. And I wanted to win so bad. Because he was the prize that I needed.

"I'm going to get you a blanket and a pillow before I go to bed." He smiled at me when he pulled away. I rubbed my thumb against his cheek before letting him go. He disappeared down the hall before coming back with a pillow, a blanket, and a t-shirt.

"I know that sleeping in a button down is uncomfortable, so I brought you this. Unless you sleep shirtless. But I ought to let you know that it gets cold here at night." He handed me the t-shirt before he started to make the sofa into my bed. I started to undress while he did that, but he looked up and turned into a flustered mess when my pants fell to the ground.

"The bathroom is around the corner." He squeaked out while harshly tugging on the pillow cover.

"I'm good. Besides, one day we'll see each other completely naked. I can't wait for that day." His blush immediately returned.

"JULIAN!" He looked at me in astonishment.

"What?"I looked at him innocently.

"Gah, why do you say stuff like that? To get me worked up or something?" I finished making his bed before he turned back to me and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Maybe. I like to see you blushed and frustrated. It makes me want you even more."  I bit my lip and looked him in the. As expected his shade of red got deeper.

"I am going to bed. I can't deal with you." He playfully glared at me before calmly walking out of the room and to what I assume is his room.

"Goodnight." I called out to him and I got a muffled 'night' in return. I smiled into the darkness as soon as I turned off the light. First date, check off.


Dedicated to:

@parley @annssmith18 @amahle @XxPotatoQueennxX @Boo-Berry-1234 @aofthed @dragonskunk @Suicidal-Sanity @Fangedwolf @19oranges @laponi07 @Esslyy @White_Dragon19 @MadisonMcghee3 @MoonAndStarsAreMe @heyyyy10 @amoose3 @BethanyMcArthur @hiddenheartprincess @KimberlyFinn @LifeIsTheHorse @Samantha2015luv @tunalicious

for reading, voting, commenting, following, and adding His to their libraries!

10 fucking K! OH MY GOD! Guys! I LOVE YOU ALL SO FREAKING MUCH! Like you guys don't know. Y'all brought me here today. Because WE did it! (I wrote and y'all read). Thank you all for your love and support!

So tell me about the chapter. It feels like a little one with a lot of fluff. Kind of a fill-in. But I feel like that's all I've been doing. You guys decide. Should I move it along faster or not?




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