Chapter 44 - Rickrolling Us

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^^ Julian ^^
*Julian's POV*

~~~~~~~*MATURE CONTENT*~~~~~~~

"I love you whole-heartedly." Nicolas looked up at me from underneath his lashes. "Actually, I am in love with you Julian. So deeply in love with you."

I grabbed the back of Nicolas' neck and pulled him to me. My mouth claimed his and I softly slipped my lips over his. Gently I parted his lips, as my tongue sought his.

I found his hand and laced his fingers with mine. Slowly I pulled away from him, resting my forehead against his.

"Thank you, Nicolas. Thank you for taking me, a broken man, into your arms and changing me for better. I love you for it and I am in love you because of all of this." Nicolas' eyes were brimming with tears.

"Fuck." He whispered. "I don't have some speech written out for all the rights you've done to me, Julian. I think I covered how I felt earlier, but I want to scream it from my lungs. I'm fucking in love you." I chuckled again his lips and pressed a chaste kiss on them.

"Julian," Nicolas gripped my hand and rolled me onto my back as he straddled my lap. "make love to me."

"Fuck. Nicolas." He ground his hips down. I moaned lowly as he kiss along my jaw.

"That's what I'm trying to do, but we have too many clothes on. I mean, I prefer naked, but I wouldn't mind you fucking me in your suit." Nicolas nipped my ear lobe teasingly.

"I thought we were making love." I arched an eyebrow at him and he ground down on my clothed cock in retaliation.

I sucked the air between my teeth as he smirked against my neck.

"You're playing with fire, baby." I growled against his ear. He shivered and rubbed against me.

"So, you want to play that game then? Alright." I rolled us over, to where I was on top and he laid beneath me. His legs were splayed open and his face was flushed.

He let go of my hands and latched pressed his palms to my chest. I smiled down at him as I slipped my hand underneath the t-shirt he borrowed from me. He gasped as I felt along his slender body. My warm fingers ran up his sides, pulling the shirt up with my movements and effectively showing me more of his beautiful unmarked skin.

I looked him in the eyes as I lowered my head to his flat stomach. I kissed around his navel before dipping my tongue into it. He let out a shuddering breath and ran one of his hands up to the nape of my neck. I teasingly dipped my tongue back into his navel and he clenched my hair in his hand.

I kissed and sucked my way up his body. Stopping at his chest I nipped at the center of it. He arched his back, gripping my shoulder tightly as I took his right nipple into my mouth. I laved my tongue around the tight bud. He mewled as I blew air on the wet soldier before I moved onto it's dusky pink twin. Giving the same attention to this one.

Nicolas unlatched himself from me as I pulled his shirt the rest of the way off. I looked down at him, naked and flushed against the dark grey sheets. The sunset was casting a breathtaking hue over my angel.

He panted as he pulled me back down to him. His hands running over my taut stomach, up to my pecs, and over my shoulders. His lips met mine, his greedily taking pleasure as my tongue stroked his.

My hands found their way to his hips as he ground against the thigh that laid between his open legs. He groaned in frustration against my mouth as I stopped his hectic movements.

"Come on, Julian." He whined lowly after we pulled apart. I smirked at him before I scooted back onto the bed and my head was above his hips.

I bent down and kissed along his left hip bone, down to his pelvis, and back up to his right hip bone. Nicolas rested one of his hands in my hair, as the other laid on the back of my neck.

I looked up at him, his mouth open in silent pants, his cheeks a pretty shade of pink, and his eyes were begging me to take him.

I kept my gaze on him as I kissed down the inside of his right thigh. The hand in my hair twitched when I got close to his beautiful red cock that stood proudly as his precome ran down his cock.

I continued my journey down to his feet, where I kissed his delicate arch, before I switch sides and kissed my way up his left leg.

He moaned when I finally paid attention to his drooling cock by kissing the underneath of it. I ran my tongue up the vein that lead to the head of my boy's cock. I sucked on the head, practically pulling the precome from his cock at this point in time.

"Julian." Nicolas groaned through his clenched teeth as the hand in my hair gripped the strands inbetween his fingers tightly.

I pulled off of his dripping cock and found his mouth. He barely put up any fight as I blindly searched the nightstand for lube.

I spread it on my fingers as soon as it was in my grasp and uncapped. I sought his rosebud, running my index finger over the spasming hole. Gently, I pushed my finger into his warm channel as it sucked at my knuckles.

Nicolas whimpered at the intrusion before he begged me for more. I made sure he was ready before I added a second finger. He threw his head back, exposing his delicate neck to me, as I found his sweet spot. Nicolas panted harshly as I continuously rubbed against his prostate and sucked hickey's onto his neck.

"Please, please, please Julian. Get in me. I need you." He cried out as I added a third finger, stretching him and rubbing on his spot.

I pulled my fingers free of his clenching hole, earning a whimper in return. I quickly lubed up my cock as Nicolas spread his legs farther apart before wrapping them around my waist.

I slowly inched myself into his body until I was at the hilt. I waited for him to adjust, his hips snapping up rather persistently gave me the signal to go.

I worked myself in and out of his tight body as I lowered my lips over his. One of my hands found his jerked him to the pace I made.

"Oh my gosh. Harder, Julian." Nicolas breathed against my lips. I pulled my cock all the way out and pistoned back into him, hitting his prostate head on.

"Fuck, Nicolas. You're gripping me so tight." I groaned into his ear. He seized up and I felt his hole spasm around me, trying to keep my cock in him.

"I'm cumming." He cried out. He shot all over his stomach and up onto his chest. I ground against him, no rhythm in the way I was getting off.

Nicolas gripped my hair hard as his body went through mini orgasms while I pounded against his prostate.

"Fuck. Julian." He screamed as another orgasm was ripped from his body. I stilled and I felt my cum coat his insides, marking him as mine. I fell onto his chest, my cock slipping out of his rosebud.

I rolled off of him and walked into the bathroom. I wet a wash clothe and cleaned him up before I cleaned myself up. He smiled at me, his look far away.

I laid back down, next to him, my head on his chest and more importantly, over his heart.

"I'm never gonna give you up." I whispered against his chest.

"I'm never gonna say goodbye." He ran his hand through my hair.


For my emotional and desperately needy readers...

120K! Guys...literal tears this morning.

Tell me what you think!




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