Chapter 24 - Please Me

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^^ Julian ^^

**Julian POV**

Nicolas and I parted ways once we reached the office. I clutched the door knob as I shut the door. God, how could he think I didn't want him. He is beautiful and the more I know about him the more I find him attractive. Sure, we might have only known each other for almost three weeks, but that doesn't make me want him less. Fuck, it makes me want him more. All these little quirks he has. Like when he's talking to me, he looks up under his eyelashes and a pretty red blush stains his cheeks. And fuck if that doesn't get to me. I want to push his hair back and seal my lips over his, suck his tongue, and to show him how I wanted to fuck.

I sigh and let go of the door knob before I leaned back against the door. I don't think he knows what he does to me and that makes me want him even more. His innocence is precious and I couldn't wait to break it.

I ran a hand through my hair and bit my lip. Fuck, get a hold of yourself Julian. You aren't so teenager with ranging emotions anymore. I pushed myself off the door and walked to my desk. I sat in my leather rolling chair before I pulled out my cell phone and called Melanie.

"Tomas Buildings, you're speaking with Melanie. How can I help you today?" Her voice was calming, but annoying.

"Fuck Melanie. Do you not check who is calling you before you answer?" I whisper into the mouth piece.

"Julian! Fuck, why are you calling this phone?" I could her the frown in her voice.

"Nicolas, came to me confused about us." I turned on my laptop and started to look at some of the emails from other companies.

"And?" I heard her shift the phone around and her fingers clicking on the keyboard.

"I made it pretty obvious when I got on my knees and sucked his dick. I don't get on my knees for just anyone, okay?" I held back from running my hand through my hair.

"Julian, I'm surprised you didn't go further than that." I could imagine her smirking into the phone.

"God, I wanted to. He looked so wrecked after that. I wanted to fuck him hard." Melanie laughed at that.

"So what made him question the relationship you guys have?"I paused in the email I was reading.

"He thought he was a one night stand. That I only wanted to fuck him and leave." I shuddered at the idea of leaving him alone with those thoughts.

"You don't have the best track record of staying and loving on your subs, Julian. Maybe someone told him about your past." I bit my lip at those memories. Melanie had a point.

"He's not my sub, Melanie. At least not yet. I want him to be my boyfriend first. Besides, he's new to the scene. I don't want to scare him off with my dominant personality." Melanie hummed into the phone.

"I'm glad to hear that. So is your boyfriend." My eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat. Fuck, Nicolas heard everything. I was hoping to slowly open the idea of us in this relationship. But it's Melanie and she just shoves everything together. She means well, but sometimes it isn't any of her business.

"Is it true Julian? You want me like that? Your boyfriend." Nicolas whispered into the phone, his voice wobbly.

"I'd like that Nicolas. But I want to go at your pace." I gulp and the silence in the phone.

"I think we've gone past my pace." He chuckles lightly and I could help but smile.


Dedicated to:

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Sorry for the late update...Christmas tree decorating turned into Christmas house decorating.

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