Chapter 17 - Questioning Myself

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

Beau and Kilian were passed out at my place. Both were totally naked, beer bottles surrounding them. I grimaced when I found a discarded condom next to the sofa. I stepped around the disaster that slept in my living room before I walked into the kitchen. I started making a pot of coffee, slightly worried about today.

Julian confused me yesterday, in more ways than one. I am sure that he backed off and went to go fuck another twink last night, I hope so. I don't want, whatever this is, between us get in the way of our careers. I can tell he doesn't care, but it matters to me. Maybe more than it should.

I know people fuck their boss, more times than not. But that wasn't going to be me. I wasn't going to succumb to that urge. I'm not a lusty brute, or a horny dog. I have morals. Obviously, or I would've bent over his desk for him already.

"Hey Nicky." Kilian stepped into the kitchen, boxers covering him from my view. "Sorry we got rowdy last night and just crashed at your place." He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand.

"It's not anything that hasn't happened before." I shrug and he walks to me and grabs a coffee mug from the cabinet. "I didn't think you drank coffee?" He gave me a long look.

"Seriously. It's not for me. Although, it might help with this hangover. It's for Beau, he needs his coffee or he's cranky." Kilian groused.

"I know. God, having to deal with him in high school acting like a total dick because his parents didn't like coffee." I sighed and pushed the stray hair that wound up in my eye.

"You guys were the dicks. Never getting me coffee." Beau's sleep gruff voice made us look in the living room's direction. He was hopping around, probably trying to put on pants. Kilian glared over at his fiancé.

"Excuse me. But when did we become your mother or father?" Kilian taped his fingers on the coffee mug in his hand.

"Kilian, you know I didn't mean that. God, just imagine you two fucking." Why did he have to say that? Now I'm stuck with that image in my head. It was more disgusting than when I walked in on Beau and Kilian fucking.

"Please, I am already engaged to a retard. I don't need to fuck another one. Sorry Nicolas." He narrowed his eyes at Beau. Beau frowned and stomped over to the kitchen. Kilian gave me an apologetic look before facing his fiancé once again.

"First off, I may be a retard, but you are the bitch. Secondly, Nicolas' feelings are his own, leave them out of this. And thirdly, you better get that ass ready when we get home because you are getting punished." Beau came of calm and in complete Dom mode. His eyes were darker and his stance wider. "Now, properly apologize to Nicolas before we leave."

Kilian set the coffee mug on the counter and gracefully got to his knees. He stretched his arms above his head and rested his head on the ground. The punishment position. "I am so sorry Nicolas for saying cross thing to and about you." I gulp and look at Beau. The lust and anger in his eyes are prominent.

"I accept your apology Kilian." I shift around, my eyes uncomfortable with seeing Kilian's submission to me.

"Get up and go get the rest of your clothes on." Beau growled to Kilian. Kilian jumped up and walked to the living room with a fast pace. Thank God, because that felt awkward as fuck with him below me like that.

The coffee machine beeped, tearing the awkward tension between us up. I poured Beau and I a cup, hopefully he likes it black. I hand him his mug and I take a sip of mine. Kilian strolls into the kitchen, probably hoping to prolong the morning here so he doesn't have to go home and get punished.

"Kilian, go gather my shirt and shoes and wait by the door." Beau didn't look at Kilian, he stared out the window. This was more than likely apart of the punishment.

Beau patted me on the shoulder and gave me a brief smirk. "We all can see the sexual tension between you two. Just fuck him already." Then he walked out of the kitchen and i heard him and Kilian leave.


Dedicated to: @amoose3 @fvxkboi @Jonathan_Velazquez @LifeIsTheHorse @DianeCorporan @dash2480

@ForgiveMeForMySins @dimitri999 @GabbySwaq143 @Kevyen @White_Dragon19 @ksister1

@MoonAndStarsAreMe @BlackFlagSwinger @Liloexivette @messiah2017 @Fangedwolf

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