Chapter 41 - Your Decision

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^^ Nicolas ^^
**Nicolas POV**

I sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the empty walls. As soon as I move in with Julian, this room will be an office. At least, that's what he told me. The unscuffed, pristine white walls and the dark cherry hard wood that seems to look like it's waxed everyday stared back at me.

Sitting still, my mind wondered. Why did he want to know my mind now? Couldn't this of waited? Why couldn't we just have rampant sex? Why did he have to throw me out? Well I knew the answer to that question.

Julian was angry at me. I don't blame him, I wasn't being obedient. I lied, twice. It's not like I want to push him away because I lied, but I'm not sure that I am ready to tell him what I need to tell him. I love him, but I'm not comfortable telling him yet. Maybe some day, but not tonight.

I mean, it's not like he's told me everything. Heck, as much as he tells me, I can find in any magazine he's featured in.

Why does he get to be mad when I don't tell him one little thing? Is it because he's my Dom? Because if he thinks it works like that, I think not. We're boyfriends first, then Dom and sub. He knows that. Hell, he's the one that made that rule.

I seriously want to yell at him, scream my frustration out at him. Because we were having a good night and then he ruined it by asking a stupid question. Well, fuck him and stupid fucking punishment.

I stood up and marched to the door. The door swung back as I flung it open, my anger fueling my own fire. I stomped down the hall to Julian's room. I slammed the door open. He snapped his head and looked at me.

"Nicolas, go to bed. Unless you want a worse punishment." I steady my glare on him. His punishment bulls hit wasn't going to work on me, not right now.

"You know what, I will. After I tell you what I think is funny. You're the biggest fucking hypocrite I've met. You told me to tell you what is on my mind. Well, why don't you tell me anything. Something that I won't read in a magazine or isn't sexual. Because that's all I feel like I know about you." Julian looked at me, shocked that I would even say something like that probably. I stormed out after he kept his mouth shut and wouldn't look me in the eye.


Definitely not a fluff filled chapter...whoops.

96.6K! 3.3K goodness is it getting real. I love yall!

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