Chapter 12 - Watching You

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^^ Julian ^^

**Julian POV**


~Guys just to let you know, this chapter has mature content. If you don't like male on male relationships, this is where you need to stop. Just go. Thank you, Nicky_Darling~


I could help but look over at Nicolas as he fidgeted in his seat, adjusting himself in his shorts time and time again. I licked my lips and quickly shifted my gaze away. I focused on Master Henry and Ryan. Master Henry was sliding an ice cube that was quickly melting on Ryan's left nipple before he let his lips attach to the little soldier, then he repeated the same action with the right. Ryan's mewls of arousal sang in the air along with the audiences echoing groans of approval.

"Master!" Ryan gasped as his back arching off the table. Henry grasped Ryan's cock, his hand slowly stroking Ryan. Henry grabbed an ice cube with his other hand and ran it along Ryan's abdomen, holding it on his belly button before it melted above his pelvis. Henry ran his tongue down his abdomen, following the water trail the ice cube had left. He sucked the water that sat in Ryan's belly button before nipping at the skin there. He reached for another ice cube, with this one he slid it across Ryan's thighs before reaching his cock and tracing his dick with it. Ryan shivered and strained against the ropes around his wrists.

"Shit." I saw Nicolas fix himself again before biting his lip and shifting on the sofa again. God, I'm glad he liked the scene. It made me want him more. I could imagine him on his knees in front of me, or sitting on my lap as we watched future scenes. Hell, we'd perform one if was he was into exhibitionism. 

I gulped and turned back to the scene. It looked like Henry had an ice cube in his mouth while he was sucking Ryan off. By the way that Ryan was gripping the ropes that held his hands above his head let everyone know he was thoroughly enjoying it.

"Please, Please." Ryan cried his hips undulating against Henry's face. Henry's hand gripped his boy's hips and held the still. He looked up at Ryan, his stare penetrating. Ryan screamed out, chest arching as he reached his completion. Henry sucked on Ryan's tip for a few more seconds before pulling off and standing over Ryan. Henry whispered something to Ryan before he unzipped his leathers and pulled out his cock. Ryan clenched the rope in his hands as Henry bottomed out in him. Ryan moaned lowly as Henry waited for Ryan to become familiar with his girth.

"Please, Master." Ryan began to rock his hips against Henry's before Henry gripped his hips in his hands and leant forward. His kissed Ryan hungrily as he fucked him hard and rough.

I looked over at Nicolas again. His eyes were shut, his mouth open as he clutched the bottom of his shorts with his fists. I hope he was imagining this, imagining us like that. I doubt it, but it's what I wanted.

I watched as Nicolas' chest slowly expanded and decompressed with his ragged breathing. His chest shining in the dimmed lighting from perspiration that came with the heated room.

I found my eyes on his face again. He was looking at me now, a blush staining his cheeks. I smirked and sat back in my seat, exposing my very erect member that sat in my leathers. I heard a gasp, I only could hope it was his.

"Are you going to go after him?" Andrew voiced from my left. I looked over at him, a new blonde haired, blue eyed sub sat at his feet. His face nuzzling Andrew's knee.

"I can't. He has the red bracelet on. I'm sure the owner wouldn't want a Dom touching a sub who has that color of that bracelet on." Andrew glared at me and returned to his sub. 

I looked over at Nicolas again, his body wasn't as alert as before, his shoulders slouching. I licked my lips and looked at the shorts that could barely contain his round, bubbly ass. His erection stood straight and hard. God knew I wanted to help him with his situation, but I knew I wasn't allowed. Look, but don't touch. He was a forbidden fruit, MY forbidden fruit to be honest.


Dedicated to: @Rolliebear @CleverPineTree @ijk5432 @Essly @Malliio@Paulav342 @annabellecvy @milaloveread @MoonAndStarsAreMe @qondi23 @souvik02031995 @kat_drake17 @amoos3 @kevyen @fvxkboi @Fangedwolf @submissive_lion_78 

For following, reading, voting, commenting, and adding His to their libraries! I love you guys!

Guys, 2k. So much love your way. I'm just so happy and excited! I just can't believe I've made it this far! Thank you all for sticking with me so far!

Was there enough smut? Should I have been better? Tell me.




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