Chapter 45 - Our End

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^^ Nicolas ^^
**Nicolas POV**

Julian and I have been in a pleasurable place in our relationship ever since our talk. Sex was a regular occurrence and it happened to be everywhere and at any time of the day or night. Except Julian refused to bring more of his hot Dom out. I was happy with how things were. I just wish that he'd turn up the heat a little. Or a lot.

"Nicolas." Julian husked in my ear before nibbling on the lobe.

"Mhm." I turned to face him. My hazel eyes meeting his grey ones.

"I. Love. You." He whispered and for each word he punctuated it with a languid kiss.

"I love you, Julian." I tangled my fingers with his. "All parts of you." Julian wiggled his eyebrows.

"Is that all you love me for?" He smirked at me.

"That's not what I meant." I pursed my lips at him and he snuck in a kiss.

"Then what did you mean, baby?" He nibbled on my bottom lip.

"I meant your Dom side, Julian. Your rough side." Julian let go of my fingers on my right hand and ran it down my side.

"You've been missing my rough side? You just had to ask, baby and I'd gladly give you want you want." He winked and flipped me over onto my back.

I groaned as he harshly plucked at my nipples, making the buds even more sensitive. I reached out to grab at his shoulders and Julian tsked at me.

"Keep your hands over your head. Tonight is about your pleasure, not mine." Julian sucked bruises along my chest as his hands gripped my hips.

"Oh my fucking God." I groaned as Julian nipped at my nipple. My hands curled into fists as Julian's fingers curled around my cock. Giving me a teasing stroke before he thumbed at my tip.

"Holy fucking hell." I threw my head back in pleasure as Julian ran his thumbnail along my slit. He sucked a mark onto my skin, nipping down my torso.

Julian smirked into my skin as he continued the onslaught of pleasure. I was left gasping and mewling as his mouth finally engulfed my cock. He suckled at the tip, pulling cries from my throat.

"Such a good boy." Julian cooed at me as I gripped the sheets above my head. His fingers were circling around my rosebud, bringing forth arousing tingles.

"Please." Julian teasingly tongued my slit. His fingers disappearing for a second before reappearing slippery and lube covered.

"I love seeing you like this. Beautiful and willing." Julian opened me up with one finger before adding a second one.

"Julian, Sir, please. I want you in me, please." Julian chuckled as he rubbed my prostate, making my eyes shut as they rolled back.

"So pretty." Julian said as he moved to sit up, his eyes watching his fingers disappear into to my hole.

"Julian." I groaned as his fingers left me.

"Sush, baby. Give me a second to get ready." Julian lubed up his cock and pushed in me. His dick stretching my walls, giving me a slight sting.

"Fuck me, Sir." I groaned as he waited for me to get used to him.

"Gladly." Julian chuckled as he pulled all the way out before slamming back into me, hitting my prostate.

"I fucking love you." I groaned as Julian repeatedly rammer his cock onto my pleasure spot.

"Of course you do." Julian murmured against my neck, one of his hands wrapping around my cock and the other held my wrists together.

Julian's hand stroked me in time with his thrusts, his thumb made sure to rub my tip everything he hit my prostate.

"Please. Fuck. Please." I bit my lip as Julian kissed along my jaw before he reached my lips. He plunged his tongue into my mouth, dominating our kiss. He fucked my mouth with his tongue, taking what he wants and giving me pleasure.

"Julian, Sir. Please." I whispered against his lips as he panted against mine. I felt the familiar curl of arousal set in my cock.

"What baby? What do you want?" His eyes looked deep into my own.

"I want to cum, Sir. Please." I whined and he smirked down at me.

"Look into my eyes, baby. I want to look into your pretty hazel eyes as you cum." He started to pull on my cock faster, his grey eyes darkening further.

I cried out as I spilled onto his hand. My body slackened as he pounded into my abused prostate, creating blissful aftershocks.

"Fuck, Nicolas." Julian stilled above me before he poured his seed into me. He let out a deep breath before collapsing onto me.


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