Chapter 5 - Weird Boss

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

Friday couldn't come any faster, yet I was terrified that it was here. I woke up before five, my body shaking with nerves. I showered to relax myself, shaving when my hands steadied, and dressed when I was done. I pulled my hair into a small ponytail in the back. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Today was going to be a good day, nothing was going to get me down. I walked out of the room and made my way to the kitchen. I pulled out a mug from the cabinet before starting the coffee machine. I looked at the clock on the wall as the coffee started dripping into the pot, I watched the seconds go by. My hands shaking from the stress I was putting myself under. God I needed to get out of this funk, I am going to go to work today and I am have a good day.

I shook out my hands and sighed. I was not going to deal with any bullshit today, especially any bullshit from myself. I licked my chapped lips before the coffee machine beeped. I poured myself a cup of nice black coffee, my favorite. My coffee was done, my nerves were calmed, and it was seven-fifty-five. I put my coffee mug in the sink, turned off the machine, and made my way out of my apartment. I walked down the stairs of the second level apartments and stepped out into the hallway. Oh God, it's raining like no tomorrow. 

A complete downpour was happening outside. I looked down at myself and at my car that was farther away than normal. Oh well, I guess the drive to Tomas Buildings will dry me off, as long as I blast the AC on me.

I ran into the rain, my hair sticking to my head as water pelted it. I quickly unlocked my car and jumped in. I turned the car on and turned the vents toward me. I let out the air I was holding in and put my car in drive. I made my way onto the road and into traffic. Oh God.


I pulled into an empty parking spot near the elevator in the car garage. I stepped out of my car and walked to the elevator, locking my car in the process. I pressed the button for the highest floor in the building as soon as I stepped inside the elevator. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. The elevator dinged with every floor it passed and opened when it reached mine. The security held his hand out for my I.D. and I passed it over. He looked up at me with a cocked eyebrow. His attention on me was distracted by the pretty receptionist that sat up here.

"Good morning, Jacobi. This is Mr. Tomas' new personal assistant, Mr. King. He'll have an work I.D. by tomorrow or the day after."He gave me a curt nod before giving me my I.D. back. I smiled and walked past him. 

"Mr. King, if you'll follow me. Mr. Tomas has set up your office space in his office." I nodded and followed her. "I am Melanie Black, the secretary for the CEO, CFO, and COO and receptionist for the upper floor. If you need to know anything, you can just come to me, I'll help you out." She stopped at door at the end of the hallway and opened it. She stepped in and I walked in behind her. 

"This is Mr. Tomas' desk. Of course you'd know that, you have actually been at his desk before." She waved at the office space I stormed out of it.

~(Julian's Office)~

~(Julian's Office)~

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"Mr. Tomas had this space made for you. The man, of course has no interior design skill. He kind of just threw a desk in his sitting area."

~(Nicolas' Office)~

"That doesn't matter, it looks nice

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"That doesn't matter, it looks nice. As long as it doesn't keep me from my work, I'll be fine." She pursed her lips and cocked out her right hip.

"Sure, sweetie, sure." She laid her hands on her hips. "Anyway, I'll just give you his schedule for today. He should be here in," She looked at her watch, "about ten to twenty minutes." I nodded and followed her out of the office. She handed me his schedule and phone numbers of the people he was supposed to have meetings with today. "Good luck, today." I'll need it.

I walked to my office and sat at my desk to look at his schedule. Oh God, he has a meeting every hour on the hour. I ran my hands through my ponytail as I hear the office door click open. Mr. Tomas walked in, sunglasses perched on his nose and a strong black coffee in his hand.

"You'd look better with your hair down." He walked over to me and took my band out of my hair. I looked up him with my mouth gaped. "Close your mouth before I decide to shove something down it." My mouth clamped up and my fists clenched.

"That is no way to talk to your employee, Mr. Tomas." He scoffed and stepped close to me.

"What are you going to do about it?" He breathed against my ear and I shivered.


Dedicated to @ksister1 for being awesome and voting!

Legit, over 100 reads for since the last time I posted! Guys, I can't express to you how much I love you! Like y'all are the best!

Anyway, I'm sorry I'm a day late, I wasn't at home... But never the less, I posted today as a make-up! I hope y'all like it! Tell me what you think! Ohhhhhh and I know, cliffhanger!




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